Author Topic: Rolling while swaddled causing wakings  (Read 1147 times)

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Offline herdk

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Rolling while swaddled causing wakings
« on: December 01, 2005, 06:04:38 am »
I am desperate for some help.
I just don't know what to do.

My DD is 7.5 mos.
She needs to have her arms wrapped to sleep.
She was doing very well, sleeping all night, but not now.

She has figured out how to roll on to her stomach, all wrapped up tight mind  you. She of course wakes and cries once she's on her stomach since she can't get back. She is rolling, we think, to try to get the soother back in her mouth which has fallen just out of reach.

I really don't know how to handle this. It's a been a week now like this, with night wakings increasing and becoming earlier in the night. I can't take it. I need to sleep to function. I am miserable.

My husband is starting night shift tomorrow night. I will be alone for 7 nights and I don't think I can handle it. Please someone help me.

I almost had to go on medication for depression 2 months ago and then her sleep improved. I don't think I can handle it if I don't get nights of sleep soon.

What can I do?????

Offline Katet

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Rolling while swaddled causing wakings
« Reply #1 on: December 01, 2005, 06:16:44 am »
I'm sorry you are so stressed by the lack of sleep, but I don't think it will get better fast... I think you are looking at a few more weeks at least

I think you would be best to wean her from the swaddle, as then she will probably learn to fall back to sleep after she has rolled... but it will take time, it took about a week for my 6mo to learn to fall back to sleep once he rolled to his belly, but he still doesn't all the time.

Unforutnately developmental waking at the 6-12month mark is quiet common & you may got through this again and again... I know what sleep deprevation is like (2 waking children + insomnia) if I was you & you are "relying on good sleep to stay off meds" as a sufferer of PPD... I'd say get on the meds NOW... it will help you cope better with the ups & downs of parenting & you won't get so anxious about the night waking if you are calmer & just reading your post you sound very anxious & like there is more bothering you than just the sleep... as a mother who cares about other mums, I actually think you are in need of the meds... which is nothing to be ashamed of... at least I don't think so... infact I think women who admit to ppd are stronger women... just my thoughts.
dc1 July 03, dc2 May 05

Offline herdk

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not ppd- just sleep deprivation
« Reply #2 on: December 01, 2005, 06:33:56 am »
I really don't think it is pd. It is lack of sleep that makes me crazy.
When dd was sleeping all night I was totally fine.
I resisted the meds because dr. said they might cause insomnia and stomach problems and would take at least a month to start working.

Do you really think this problem is not going to go away?

I can't even deal with that thought.

I need her to sleep.  I need to sleep.

This might be a touchy subject, but has anyone ever heard of some kind of mild sedative that might help babies sleep? Not forever, but just once in a while. I have heard murmurings of this from some friends but no one wants to ever talk about it.

I need some other strategies for coping.

What about a night time nanny? Anyone ever heard of that? Is there such a thing? Just someone to come and deal with the night?

Also, I am resisting the idea of not swaddling her because she was doing so well with it and why add more problems?

Offline Katet

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Rolling while swaddled causing wakings
« Reply #3 on: December 01, 2005, 10:42:21 am »
Quote (selected)
, I am resisting the idea of not swaddling her because she was doing so well with it and why add more problems?

your lo needs to learn to roll both ways in bed  as a SIDS issue, your lo is at the right age NOW for weaning if she can roll & developmental stuff will ALWAYS interfere with sleeping to some degree

Quote (selected)
When dd was sleeping all night I was totally fine
We all say that the problem is they don't always sleep fine, infact most babies/children wake for spells on off for years. You can't rely on perfect sleep... I think you need to adjust your expectations and if you  can only cope on days when baby sleeps through then you do need some help & I DO THINK PPD is an ISSUE for you.

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I resisted the meds because dr. said they might cause insomnia and stomach problems and would take at least a month to start working
if these are the reasons you went against the docs rec for meds then i suggest you really think about it - I have NONE of those problems & infact they have helped me NO END.  There are many different Meds  and all people's reactions are different.  some people feel differentwithin days and most within 2 weeks - a month woudl be a high estimate. I also strongly suggest counselling as you appear EXTREMELY ANXIOUS & do seem to have very unrealistic expectations

Quote (selected)
This might be a touchy subject, but has anyone ever heard of some kind of mild sedative that might help babies sleep?

Yes they are usually for VERY SICK BABIES -  they are never recommend in young babies, and even in older kids can backfire - some kids it causes them to get wired and has the opposite effect than intended.  better to just work on helping lo "get there' and part of that is getting her off the swaddle and through this developmental stage... and then "back on track" You would actually NEED to use drugs for about the next 2 years to get past all the potential sleeping issues & the problems that would cause your lo... well I shudder to think

Night nannies do exist but are expensive.  probably cheaper to get a mother's helper to watch dd for part of the day a couple of times a week while she naps/ or nurse to help her out...with the swaddle weaning/settling for a few days if you wanted help

BUT in all honesty here... your lo is VERY VERY normal, I think you actually need some help as your post strongly suggest a mother with quite servere PPD... this is the link to the PPD test, it might be an idea to check it & there are many of us here with it & can support you... Hey I have been close to where you are (although never looked to sedatives... but women in my PPD support group did)
dc1 July 03, dc2 May 05