Angie, I would also try posting this on the breastfeeding boards and see if they have any suggestions. And I think that the not eating well is a stage that all babies go thru. THey are exerting their independence, and the more it proves to frustrate you, the more she will continue to do it. As long as she is gaining or not losing weight and her doctor is satisfied then I wouldn't worry about lack of nutrition. Before going cold turkey on the breastfeeding, I would also ask the doctor what they recommend is an appropriate amount of time before concerns about lack of liquids. Ie: How long to wait it out before you either must give in, or supplement her in some fashion. I wish you the very best of luck, as you seem to have a very independent little one. Hang in there though, and try to keep your head. Don't fight a battle with your toddler, decide a course of action and stick with it! Keep posting for support.