Oh, hun, I have sooo been there. It is terribly frustrating when your little one won't eat, and even more frustrating when people tell you that he will eat when he is hungry! :roll: My kiddo refused to drink for most of his first 8 mos, to the point of ER visits for dehydration.
First, what does doc say about it? Food refusal often goes hand in hand with things like reflux. Is weight gain an issue?
Here are some things that (sort of) helped us. I would feed him in a dark room with absolutely no distractions. I would sometimes softly sing the same favorite song over and overt, and that worked at times. Sometimes letting him eat in front of Baby Einstein helped. Sometimes changing the type of bottle helped - at least for the first day after the change. We used a Monoject syringe to feed him when we were worried about his intake. We also sleep-fed him, which can develop a bad habit, but worked at the time.
I hope that things get better! {{{HUGS}}}