Hi there. Your routine looks pretty good to me! My dd (5 months -- 1 month on EASY) ends up having some activity before feeding as well. She rarely ever EXACTLY fits the profile of two hour naps and waking to feed, sometimes wakes 30 min before feeding.
I think quiet time in crib is good as it also lets them know they are OK in the crib by themselves for a while. Also, it is still more restful than playtime.
As for extending wake time, there is excellent info in the next book "beyond the basics" that gives very specific responses and outlines for extending awake time. It answers every question and provides a practical solution for every issue I have ever had -- very worth buying. I referrenced it constantly in the first few weeks.
Personally, I was diligent about napping ONLY at home in the crib for about 3 weeks until I was sure the routine was established, then I let dd doze off in her carseat if we were running errands. I try not to do that however as I found she never sleeps very long and then all naps are thrown off the rest of the day.
This Christmas, I am sticking close to home and only going to relatives for short periods. I will likely miss Christmas dinner this year as that is usually catnap, bath and bedtime for dd. It would simply be to much for dd to be out of her environment and seeing lots of new (loud) people for extended periods. I'm just chalking this year up to sticking closer to home and know that next holiday will be much different. Truthfully I really don't want to spend the next week after Christmas getting dd back on track when I know this is all just a temporary way of life while she is little.
Hope that helps