Author Topic: Tweaking routine for 6mth old who is has just 'got' napping!  (Read 1300 times)

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Tweaking routine for 6mth old who is has just 'got' napping!
« on: December 23, 2005, 14:01:43 pm »
Hi guys,

I need some advice.

I followed Tracy's routine exactly to establish an E.A.S.Y. routine for my 6mth old baby boy ... we followed the routine to the letter for exactly 7 days and thankfully he has taken to it fine.  I have a few questions now that I am taking my cues from the baby and the times when he eats/naps have changed a little.

He was following:

Awake/bottle 7am
Solids 8.00am
Nap 9.00am
Bottle 11.00am
Dinner 12.00noon
Nap 1.00pm
Bottle 3.00pm
Catnap 5.00pm
Tea 5.30pm
Bath 6.15pm
Bottle 7.00pm
Bed 7.30pm

He has fallen into a routine of two 1.5hr naps and a catnap of either 30 or 45 minutes.  He would not (no matter how hard I tried PU/PD sleep for 2 hours so clearly 1.5hrs at a time is enough for him).  He also sleeps through the night no problem.

So - what are my questions?  Well, given that 2hrs are 'allowed' for each nap time, given my little man only sleeps for 1.5hrs at a time should I get him up as soon as he wakes or leave him for 'quiet play time' in his cot for the 30mins left of nap time?

Since following his cues I have noticed DS gets tired for his am nap before 9am ... and I think half my problem was that he was overtired by 9am which caused more problems.  So ... now that he is napping earlier ... it means he is awake longer before feeds and therefore might be actually having 'activity' time before a feed?  See below what his new schedule looks like (since taking his cues).

6.20am wakes and plays quietly in the cot
7.00am bottle
7.45am solids (cereal)
8.30am nap (1.5hrs+0.5hr quiet time in cot)
10.30am activity while waiting on next bottle
11.00am bottle
11.45am solids (veg)
12.30pm nap (1.5hrs+0.5hr quiet time in cot)
2.30pm activity while waiting on next bottle
3.00pm bottle
4.30pm catnap (30-45mins)
5.15pm solids (fruit)
6.15pm Bath
7.00pm Bottle
7.30pm Bed

Does this seem okay to you guys?  I just was confused as to whether it was okay that he was awake and playing before his next bottle ... but given he has slept for as long as he needs, there is nothing really I can do except feed him sooner than 4hrs which I obviously don't want to do.

Can anyone tell me when I should start to extend his awake time?  Presumably I take his cues on this too, and only do it when he's ready as otherwise he would be over-tired?  Do you do this gradually?  E.g., extending it a little more each day over the course of a week or so?  Also at what age do you drop the catnap?  I'm guessing it's about 8months or so?

Lastly, we are spending Christmas day at my mother-in-laws and I suspect that the extra stimulation etc., might throw the routine out a little and have  DS a little crankier.  If I factor in an extra 'nap' if he looks like he needs it (just for that day) will it throw everything off kilter?  I'm just trying to think of ways to survive Christmas out of his environment!

Lastly .... do I need to continue to be at home to put him down in his cot for his naps until his napping is well and truly established ... or can I now assume he will sleep at these times anywhere?  My DS has never been one to sleep in the pram when we are out and about (always too busy looking around him) .... will this change (and will he start sleeping at his 'set' times in his pram, once things are fully established as routine?

Sorry for all the questions ... I am still so new to this that I need to ask someone! ... but yet I am so impressed with how well it has worked so far already.

Looking forward to getting your advice!


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Looks good to me
« Reply #1 on: December 23, 2005, 14:29:53 pm »
Hi there.  Your routine looks pretty good to me!  My dd (5 months -- 1 month on EASY) ends up having some activity before feeding as well.  She rarely ever EXACTLY fits the profile of two hour naps and waking to feed, sometimes wakes 30 min before feeding.

I think quiet time in crib is good as it also lets them know they are OK in the crib by themselves for a while.  Also, it is still more restful than playtime.

As for extending wake time, there is excellent info in the next book "beyond the basics" that gives very specific responses and outlines for extending awake time.  It answers every question and provides a practical solution for every issue I have ever had -- very worth buying.  I referrenced it constantly in the first few weeks.

Personally, I was diligent about napping ONLY at home in the crib for about 3 weeks until I was sure the routine was established, then I let dd doze off in her carseat if we were running errands.  I try not to do that however as I found she never sleeps very long and then all naps are thrown off the rest of the day.

This Christmas, I am sticking close to home and only going to relatives for short periods.  I will likely miss Christmas dinner this year as that is usually catnap, bath and bedtime for dd.  It would simply be to much for dd to be out of her environment and seeing lots of new (loud) people for extended periods.  I'm just chalking this year up to sticking closer to home and know that next holiday will be much different.  Truthfully I really don't want to spend the next week after Christmas getting dd back on track when I know this is all just a temporary way of life while she is little.

Hope that helps :D

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Tweaking routine for 6mth old who is has just 'got' napping!
« Reply #2 on: December 29, 2005, 09:57:19 am »
Quote (selected)
Does this seem okay to you guys? I just was confused as to whether it was okay that he was awake and playing before his next bottle ... but given he has slept for as long as he needs, there is nothing really I can do except feed him sooner than 4hrs which I obviously don't want to do.

if he is happy hanging out in his cot than you can choose to leave him or get him up - it is good to have them spend some non-sleeping time in their cot. since he is sleeping 1.5 hrs i woudl not worry about trying to get him to sleep for 2 hrs  or forcing him to stay in the cot 2hrs if he starts telling you at 1.5hrs that he would like to get out, just have some A time then feed.

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Can anyone tell me when I should start to extend his awake time? Presumably I take his cues on this too, and only do it when he's ready as otherwise he would be over-tired? Do you do this gradually? E.g., extending it a little more each day over the course of a week or so?

follow his cues and as you see he is able to handle more you can extend. whether you go gradual (15 min every few days) or sudden depends on how your lo adapts to things.  strangely my spirited lo who took forever to extend A times seemed to do them in bursts overnight so she woudl stay at 1hr A time for ages then overnight be ok with 1.5 then after another month suddenly ok with 2hrs etc. Other babies can handle a little more A time every week (whereas Olivia only was ready for increases after developmental leaps)

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Also at what age do you drop the catnap? I'm guessing it's about 8months or so?

the average age to drop to 2 naps seems to be in the 6-7 months range some as early as 5 months and some as late as 8+ months)

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Lastly, we are spending Christmas day at my mother-in-laws and I suspect that the extra stimulation etc., might throw the routine out a little and have DS a little crankier. If I factor in an extra 'nap' if he looks like he needs it (just for that day) will it throw everything off kilter? I'm just trying to think of ways to survive Christmas out of his environment!

EASY isa flexible routine not a schedule so you adapt it to your baby and their needs.  if you need to put him down in the stroller one nap don't stress about it, if he skips a npa for whatever reason just offer it later on (the goal being to have a rested child so they do not go to bed for the night overtired)  at 10 mo i still offer a later nap (around4pm) if dd2 has skipped a nap or had a bad day - i have learned what works for her... and this gets us back on track for a decent night  :wink:

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Lastly .... do I need to continue to be at home to put him down in his cot for his naps until his napping is well and truly established ... or can I now assume he will sleep at these times anywhere? My DS has never been one to sleep in the pram when we are out and about (always too busy looking around him) .... will this change (and will he start sleeping at his 'set' times in his pram, once things are fully established as routine?

again this depends on your lo more than on EASY. if you want flexibility you could  do your catnap in the stroller/carseat orplan to do the majority of naps at home and occasional ones in the stroller/carseat.  It is in your best interests to stick to the cot while you are working out the kinks of his routine, but if he is doing well you will only know how he takes to altering the routing by... trying it out...  if he refuses to nap in the stroller or only takes short naps out of the house i woudl try to limit those attempts to the morning nap or catnap so you preserve the 2nd nap which is the one that usually stays around until 2-3 yrs old (although some babies extend morning nap and drop pm nap)
Debra - a New Yorker living in Australia married to a Brit

dd1 - Textbook/Angel, born July 2003
dd2 - Spritied through & through, born Feb 2005

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