Author Topic: How to encourage crawling?  (Read 3324 times)

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How to encourage crawling?
« on: December 26, 2005, 17:43:42 pm »
Hello... My dd is almost 7 mo and I would love to see her crawling, but she wonŽt sit up by herself yet. The thing is that she loves to being stand up and every time she is sitted she wants to be held up so she loves her excersaucer and jumperoo. Should I stop using them? And how do I encourage her crawling? Please any ideas of helping her?

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How to encourage crawling?
« Reply #1 on: December 26, 2005, 17:52:23 pm »
What are the ramifications if she doesn't crawl?  What if she just goes straight to walking?
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Offline Mom2X&F&V

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How to encourage crawling?
« Reply #2 on: December 26, 2005, 18:43:42 pm »
I know that it helps great with coordination and mental crossing, and IŽd love to see her crawling, there is no big issue if she doesnŽt want to, but I want to encourage anyway. There is no harm trying   :lol:

Offline Fiona (Leah & Kians Mom)

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How to encourage crawling?
« Reply #3 on: December 26, 2005, 18:48:06 pm »
I suppose lots of tummy time might help. DD never crawled, bum shuffled and still does occasionally and is running around for the last 6or 7 weeks. She still hasn't crawled  :o

Offline cwolff

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How to encourage crawling?
« Reply #4 on: December 28, 2005, 03:22:06 am »
I'm in the same position you are.  DD doesn't get the whole crawling thing yet, and she's not sitting on her own either.  She tolerates the exersauces and the jumperoo.  We just got the jumper for XMas.  I do think it helps with head, leg and torso strength so I would not stop using it.  Tummy time is very important, and we're doing that.  I have a suggestion that I got from my sister in law.  When she's on her tummy, sit behind her and let her press her feet again your upper thigh.  So position yourself so that both feet can push off of your thighs.  We did this a couple of times and she actually moved forward.  I don't think she knew she did it, but it's a first step.

Offline Katet

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How to encourage crawling?
« Reply #5 on: December 28, 2005, 04:07:13 am »
Tummy time tummy time & more tummy time will help crawling & with the sitting... prop them up with lots of pillows in a sitting position. I used to sit them in the corner of the sofa next to me & "chat" or sing when they started being able to sit with a bit of support & as they gained strength let them do it on the floor buffered by pillows

I have never used a exersaucer or jumper (personally don't like them & my physo friend doesn't recommend them until babies can stand alone, due to needing the back/tummy muscle strenght) & both mine were sitting before 6mo old but Aiden didn't crawl until 10.5m & Liam is commando crawling now at 7mo.
dc1 July 03, dc2 May 05

Offline Lucysmom

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How to encourage crawling?
« Reply #6 on: December 28, 2005, 14:25:53 pm »
Daniela -

Yet again Ximena and Lucy are doing exactly the same thing!!!!  It is soooo strange!  They have to meet one day as they probably will get along so well!

I have to get Lucy to do more tummy time and then hopefully this will encourage her to crawl.  I am practicing sitting with her but when she is sitting she wants to put her feet in her mouth so she bends over to try to get them in her mouth and then topples over.   :roll:

She did FINALLY roll over today.  So maybe she will start doing other physical things soon.

Kisses to you and Ximena from me and Lucy!

Offline jsmakm

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Re: How to encourage crawling?
« Reply #7 on: January 22, 2006, 23:58:08 pm »

Hello! I have a DS and she is doing the same thing....She does sit up by herself..but she so wants to crawl...she will just lay on her tummy and kick and kick but can't go anywhere. She loves her jumperoo....I think that has helped her alot...Hopefully....they will start to get the coordination down about their knees....but peditriacian says she might just skip crawling and go to walking....

Offline jsmakm

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Re: How to encourage crawling?
« Reply #8 on: January 22, 2006, 23:59:00 pm »
just noticed I put DS instead of DD OOPS

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Re: How to encourage crawling?
« Reply #9 on: January 23, 2006, 07:38:00 am »
from what i have heard, we mummies with little ones who aren't yet crawling should be pleased that they can't get into more mischief yet!  my ds is 8 1/2 months and just starting to think about how he is going to manage to get toys that i stick a little further afield.

i don't expect him to take off yet because he still can't get himself into sitting from the floor (although he has been sitting for a long time)... he CAN get down onto his tummy to reach toys just out of reach and pivot round on his tummy to reach things that are behind him etc.

there are a few threads about how to teach a lo to sit up and one about going to PT for not crawling or walking and i would check those out too for ideas (there are LOTS!)

Offline lolli

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Re: How to encourage crawling?
« Reply #10 on: January 25, 2006, 13:20:59 pm »
Both my boys started crawling/rolling around the floor from about 6mths.  Once they are on the move there is no peace!!
We spend lots of time playing on the floor and encouraging DS (7mths) to sit and move about on his tummy

Offline olleezmom

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Re: How to encourage crawling?
« Reply #11 on: January 30, 2006, 18:50:44 pm »
Crawling is an important part of baby's development!  Brain research indicates that crawling teaches baby to vertical eye track, and cross a mid-line!  My 6 1/2 month old would rather stand and sit then do tummy time and try to crawl, and my mother in law insists that I just let him try to walk.  I am trying to maximize tummy time and encourage crawling.  I have also learned that a lack of tummy time may impede potty training as children do not know what feels like to have a full bladder. 
See Anne Green's BrainDance for further brain research into baby's development.