My dd has almost always been on an 8-8 schedule, which is fine by me b/c I like to stay up late and sleep in later. She tends to wake around 7:30, and I start getting her up and changed around 7:45 so that we're eating around 8. Anyway, as best as I can remember, our schedule at 7 months was probably like this:
8:00 solids then bottle
10-12 nap
12 solids then bottle
2-4 nap
4:00 bottle
5:30 solids (wanted her to get used to eating around the time I have dinner)
7:15 bottle
8:00 bed
Of course, naps weren't always 2 hrs long, but she went through a good spell of that. If she didn't nap that long, she just has some more A time before the next feeding. Since starting solids, she's done better to have them before the bottle. If I noticed she wasn't finishing her bottles, I'd back off on the solids for a few meals until she got back on track. Some babies do better with them together, so do better to space them out. Mine wouldn't eat solids an hour after a bottle, and if she did, she'd spit up during a nap.