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Late Crawler?
« on: December 27, 2005, 08:05:58 am »
He's so dang frisky I'm sure he will move when he's ready and also not like we're so baby proof around here anymore anyways. But little man has yet to move EVEN AN INCH! Ds #1 was combat crawling everywhere at 7 months. DD was crawling and climbing the stairs with confidence, pulling up, etc. at 9 months. This little guy, to his credit says "mama' "dada" waves bye bye and has the cutest little "no" shake of the head. AND he shows no interest in moving even an inch. Dh and I have been working with him for a month pressing the backs of his feet, lots of tummy time, etc. Not moving! 

On one hand I'm not complaining, but I also wonder what the heck???? He honestly may be so well entertained by K and A that his need to move is lessened, add to that K caters to his every whim, if he whines K gets it for him. The boy really has no motivation to move.

What is considered "late" end for crawling on the developmental scales? I know this is the worst gauge to use but our friends have a baby (their 4th) who is 3 1/2 weeks older than Mr. E and has been crawling since Halloween.  :shock:

I feel all relaxed about it thinking he'll do it when he's ready,then  I wonder if  should be worried. My first instinct is for the relax, but then dh gets all pent up saying "you need to teach this boy to crawl!" and i worry.

Kyle 12/27/01
Amy 3/28/03
Evan 4/12/05
Addy 4/29/10

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Late Crawler?
« Reply #1 on: December 27, 2005, 08:16:56 am »
Well Tanya, we're in exactly the same situation here!  This little missy is just content to sit on her butt all day if we let her.  She loves tummy time, but doesn't show much motivation to move at all, she will spin in circles on her tummy and has just started to push herself backwards in the last few weeks, but there is no trying to lift her belly off the floor at all!  Last week I did have her on my bed on her tummy and kind of tickled her side and she did pull her knees under her belly a little and then had traction against the duvet because it's got feather filling to push herself forward.  But aside from that - nada!

I spoke to my doctor about it last week when I was there for Nathan and she did a quick assessment as in pulling her up from a lying down position to see if she had good muscle tone and strength and also if she'd bear a little weight on her legs - there was a little there, she won't even attempt to hold onto anything.  My doctor said she was developing fine and to give her until 12mths. 

Same as you though, it's so different to Nathan who was well on his way to crawling at 7mths and at this age was pulling up to standing.  But Danielle will also wave bye bye, say mama and dada to each of us, sign for food, post balls into slots and pump her spinning top toy - Nathan wasn't doing any of these at the same age, so guess he was the little action man and she's developing her verbal/communication and problem solving skills first.

There was a post in this forum a week or so back though with someone's 10.5mth old being referred for physical therapy for not crawling, so not sure if that's standard or not?

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Late Crawler?
« Reply #2 on: December 27, 2005, 08:51:07 am »
Aiden didn't crawl until 10.5 months & NO ONE thought he was physically  delayed.

My dh & sis were both late/never crawlers... who didn't walk until 21months + & both are great athletes & really bright, so I wouldn't worry. My Sis was the youngest of 3 & my bro & I did do everything for her, so like Evan, she had no need to move :lol:
dc1 July 03, dc2 May 05

Offline webfoot

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Late Crawler?
« Reply #3 on: December 27, 2005, 09:00:34 am »
Okay that alone, reading what you both posted, makes me feel better! It's funny b/c w/ the first one you anticipate every accomplishment so much and by now I'm just happy if he's happy and I have a random piece of paper taped to the inside of the cupboard where I try to write down important accomplishments. (if he'd just accomplish something!)

Evan actually has started to spin and he has they longest arms you've ever seen, just when you think he's safe he'll reach out and pull somegthing nice off the counter or grab something you'd never think he'd reach. So he's not delayed that way!

Isn't it curious how the language and movement can off set eachother. This boy will be a talker not a walker I'm sure. He is ALL about letting me know what he wants.

Keep them coming, I'm still cuiousl about other's thoughts.

Kyle 12/27/01
Amy 3/28/03
Evan 4/12/05
Addy 4/29/10

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Late Crawler?
« Reply #4 on: December 27, 2005, 10:39:27 am »
Tanya - Harry didn't crawl til he was 10 months.  He must have moved somehow though, cos he would never be where you left him!
Harry: 29 July 2003
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That's all folks!
(Well, maybe another girl if I can convince DH!)

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Late Crawler?
« Reply #5 on: December 27, 2005, 11:31:56 am »
Oh yes, same here too.

Ds has just turned 9 months, and has noooo interest in crawling whatsoever :roll: . He can, however, pull himself up, and is getting the idea of putting one leg in front of the other, so I'm wondering if he'll just skip the crawling altogether. I really wouldn't worry about the not crawling yet, just enjoy the peace while it lasts! :lol:
Caroline :)

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Late Crawler?
« Reply #6 on: December 27, 2005, 11:37:01 am »
jaina didn't start crawling until 11 months, but it was a weird crab crawl - she crawled normally at 13 months; luke just hit 11 months and isn't really crawling yet. 

however, he did just start doing a bit of butt-scooting this past week.  from a sitting position, he'll swivel his hips around & use his legs and sometimes his arms to move forward a little bit.  has got to be the weirdest thing i've ever seen... but my children seem to go to great lengths to avoid being on their tummy!  :roll:  :lol:
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Late Crawler?
« Reply #7 on: December 27, 2005, 11:56:14 am »
Jaime - aparently, when I was a baby, I never crawled - I was also a bum scoocher! I used to get around in a sitting postition and use my legs to power me forward, going from side to side. I did this until one day, I decided to get up and walk, at the grand old age of 23 months :shock:  :shock:  :shock:  :lol: .

See, if you've got a perfectly efficient way of getting around, why change it? :P  :lol:
Caroline :)

"Mama exhorted her children at every opportunity to 'jump at de sun.' We might not land on the sun, but at least we would get off the ground." -- Zora Neale Hurston

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Late Crawler?
« Reply #8 on: December 27, 2005, 15:01:34 pm »
Shelby never crawled and wasn't even mobile until around her first birthday.  Then she started walking.   :lol:  She was the one I expected to get upset when she lost her balance but she never did -- just got up and started over.  :)

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Late Crawler?
« Reply #9 on: December 27, 2005, 15:34:01 pm »
Tyler didn't budge one inch until he was 9 mo, then he suddenly crawled like he'd been doing it for months. Same thing with walking, he didn't even take one single step until 15 mo, then he just waltzed across the room. He's still a little behind the curve physically, he's 2 and still doesn't climb well and has no idea how to jump. On the other hand, his verbal skills are way ahead of other kids his age. I think it all evens out in the end!
Mommy to Tyler, 12/30/03 and Mackenzie, 10/17/06
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Late Crawler?
« Reply #10 on: December 28, 2005, 02:04:13 am »
FWIW, in every magazine, etc, I've read it says that crawling is no longer considered a developmental milestone because babies are so variable as to when/if they ever do it.  Especially with the shorter amounts of tummy time that many babies get because of the "back to sleep to prevent SIDS" campaign, a lot of babies are skipping crawling entirely.  If they don't want to do it, there's really nothing you can do to make them.  All you can do is provide the opportunity, which you have by giving lots of tummy time.

Don't stress!! As a baby, I walked before I crawled (walked at 9 mo), so there is no reason for you to worry if E never gets around to it.

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Late Crawler?
« Reply #11 on: January 03, 2006, 19:20:30 pm »
hiya!  by the book (the author being Mary Sheriden- i think its called birth to five years) most children attempt crawling around nine months.  i always stress the ATTEMPT bit.  this can include rocking on hands and knees and just moving backwards.  as lots of posters have said, many kids find their own ways of getting about, some will switch over to crawling when they realise it is fastest but some are content to develop their powers of dictatorship and have the world come to them!

mommytsa is right though, its getting more and more common for kids NOT to crawl.  in an ideal world kids WOULD crawl, we all use a lot of automatic movements to get around and cope in the world and crawling helps establish lots of those effectively

check out the other board Nikki suggested.  it has lots of activity suggestions which at worst might be fun and at best will get your little one exploring the world from their hands and knees!
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Late Crawler?
« Reply #12 on: January 03, 2006, 19:43:53 pm »
My dd is in physical therapy, although it wasn't because she wasn't crawling.  Between 8 and 9mos, we noticed that she was getting LESS mobile and she was regressing in her physical skills development.  It so happened she wasn't crawling either.  She has some other medical issues as well and since we had already been referred to a physical therapist for torticollis, I took her back to get reevaluated.  The PT agreed she was less mobile and was substantially behind the curve for other skills.  That said, she is now crawling (as of last week at 11.5 mos), but she still can't sit up from a laying down position.

Like someone else said, I wouldn't get concerned unless your doctor thinks there are underlying muscle tone issues, and they usually check for that stuff at routine well-baby check-ups.
#3 EDD 07/18/09
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