My ds is 8 months old, and he is losing interest in his bottle. We dropped the DF at 7 months, and since then he was taking 4 bottles a day at about 8 oz per feed. For the past week or so, he will only take 3 to 4 oz per feed, but he really wants to chow down on his solids.
He has 3 solid meals per day. For breakfast, he has cereal and fruit, lunch is a fruit and veggie, and dinner is cereal w/ fruit and a veggie. He is only eating baby food and then he gets his 4 bottles per day.
Why would he suddenly not be interested in his bottle? He just dropped to 3 to 4 oz per feed overnight. Am I doing something wrong? When do most drop to three bottles a day rather than 4? I just don't know what to do. His Ped said he should get about 24 oz a day along with his solids, but he's really not getting that much. He's a healthy weight, etc., so no concerns there. Any advice or guidance would be appreciated!