Wondering what in the world is going on. Since I can remember Ella (12wo tomorrow) had been going to bed at 6:15-6:30 and sleeping until 1:30-3:00am in the morning for feed then back to sleep until 6:15-6:45am but since wed has been getting up ranging from 11:30-1:00am for a feed then back down to sleep until me waking her at 7:30am. Last night was a little upsetting though as she got up at 11:30pm, then woke at 4:45am then I woke her at 7:30am. My biggest thing is I fed her at 4:45 then she wasn't hungry at 7:30. Why is she waking earlier now for her first feed when she hasn't in a good 1.5months, as well why did she wake the second time last night? I am thinking maybe growth spurt? She slept A LOT yesterday for her naps and I actually had to wake her from them, as well I have moved her bedtime slightly later to 6:45am. I am feeling a little down today as I couldn't give her a regular feeding at 7;30am and I know she will get up early from her nap for food. She is on a 3 hour easy, could she be moving toward a 4 hour early?
Please any feedback would be so appreciated!