Author Topic: Nursing Nigthmare!!!  (Read 1222 times)

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Offline HAIDY

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Nursing Nigthmare!!!
« on: January 02, 2006, 03:25:22 am »
Hi there momys!!!

I have a few questions,
my DS now, 18 months stills, nursing any time he wants, i dont know what to do, cause the last week, he can be without me any minute of the day.
Im going desesperate, because i want my time too, but my heart brakes look at him crying, for the reason i dont give him Nursing!!!
what can i do? to wean off? still? have an exactly hour to give him breastmilk? starts with formula or any kind of milk?
expect you can helpe me!!!
big kiss from alexander and haidy

Offline LindseysMom

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Nursing Nigthmare!!!
« Reply #1 on: January 02, 2006, 03:47:46 am »
Hello.  I am still nursing lindsey twice a day.  I can't bring myself to quit offering though.  However, I think it is best to try and wean gradual.  distract him with a toy, offer a nutritious snack instead and let him cuddle with you perhaps even while he eats it.  I often let Lindsey sit on my lap while she drinks from her sippy just for some cuddle time if she will  stay there.  Maybe you can get him down to one or two a day over a few weeks and then go from there.  Best of luck, I am sure others have some advice also.
Registered Nurse now Sahm
Mom to Lindsey Elizabeth 10/28/04
Baby girl due December 8th

Offline Erin (redstarfalling)

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Nursing Nigthmare!!!
« Reply #2 on: January 02, 2006, 12:17:50 pm »
Lynne had some great suggestions.  Other moms have also found it helpful to use a timer that your lo can see - so that he'll only be allowed to nurse until the timer goes off.  At 18 months, he can understand you a lot, so remember to keep talking to him in simple terms, explaining what you're doing.
Mother to Megan and Samantha

Offline GraceKellysmom

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Nursing Nigthmare!!!
« Reply #3 on: January 02, 2006, 19:48:39 pm »
Hi Haidy! I don't have many other suggestions. My Max is a little younger than your ds and he can be very demanding when he wants something too! Are you offering your ds 3 meals and a snack or two during the day? Will he drink from a cup or sippy?

It sure is nice to see you around!  :wink:
Stacy, Mama to
Grace Kelly 01/03, Maximilian Alexander 07/04, Faith Noelle 03/07, Henry Patrick 12/08
and my angel babies


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Nursing Nigthmare!!!
« Reply #4 on: January 02, 2006, 21:58:02 pm »
Hi Haidy,

Will it help if I say that your child is doing what most demand nursing toddlers of his age do? This is actually very normal for them to be very attached to breast/nursing and this is the age when they can be quite stubborn, too. What I found is that there are phases when they are very much into nursing all the time and phases when they get so distracted that they care less for nursing. In a week or two your ds may as well be so busy with some new skill or a toy that he will hardly nurse at all.

I also wanted to ask if he has been going through some difficult time, change, illness, did you start work or something else that makes him want to be with you all the time? My dd was always more clingy when we had changes in our lives, eg, we moved to another state, she was getting teeth and so on. After a week of trying to be with her mommy ALL THE TIME she would get back to her normal self. Her need fo nursing also decreased to her usual number of nursings.

I want to tell you that you have a choice to make. You can leave it as it is, let your child wean naturally, and this can happen anytime between 2.5 to 5 years. In meantime, you will have moments when he will have an increased need for nursing and decreased. The older he gets the lesser his need for you and your breast will be.
Or you can start putting limits on his nursing, you can limit the time spend at the breast or amount of nursings during the day or say that we don't nurse in particular places/situations. At his age he should already be able to understand that you are not comfortable nursing him wherever and whenever.
Or you can wean him completely.
I know that the older they get the more difficult it is to wean them as they really cherish nursing as a special bonding time with mom. If you are really uncomfortable with how it is now, teach him gently that there are some limits on nursing.

Offline HAIDY

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Nursing Nigthmare!!!
« Reply #5 on: January 03, 2006, 01:32:54 am »
Thanks !!!

well, he is already with theething, so i understand he is clser to me and nursing anytime he wants searching for some relax!!
Its so intersting every tip you said!!!
he uses his sippy cup,,, eats 3 its meals and snacks,
does anyone knows if he awakes at 11 am, can be a problem, to put his meals hours in order?

i really enjoy with BF, but maybe i need to put a rule, about time or places, as you mencionated, what about yogurts? another kind of milk?

thanks girls!!!
big kiss from alexander and haidy