I am at a loss here. I have been using the miracle blanket, and while it has been a saving grace it is time get rid of it. The prob. is, I dont know how. Gage has learned to arch his back to get out of it.
Last night, I wrapped him in it a different way. I put his arms on his tummy, which he seemed to like better (but still did not enjoy it). Anyway, the bad thing is that he woke up every couple of hours or so because he was out of it :cry: The good thing is that he was asleep through some of it :shock: as I kept checking.
I think this will eventually work itself out, if I can deal with the severe sleep deprivation. However, I am afraid to try it for naps because Gage was so tired from the night before. I may give the aussie swaddle another go for the cat nap, but I am not real confident that it will work as he arches his back.
Does anyone have any advice?