Good Afternoon.
I need some advice. I am convinced my daughter Charlie is a very angry baby (5 months old). She is very very fussy and yells alot (no tears, just yelling/crying). I am writing because I don't know what to do.
Charlie sleeps during the day (at 5 months old) between 4 and 5 naps a day lasting between 25mins to 1 hour. One hour naps are rare and very welcome. Is she having REM issues and needs me to help her settle. I have read that you should go in before they start to wake and help them through the REM.
My other concern is that Charlie wakes up yelling/crying at the top of her lungs every time, day or night. There are no in between noises. This is part of the reason I say she is angry. She cannot be awake longer than an hour without turning into a grump. If I carry her for 30 mins she can stay awake for 1.5 hours. This seem odd because she is 5 months old now.
We swaddle Charlie and pat/shh her which works well. She is finding her thumb, which I am happy about because she won't settle and never has on her own so the thumb is welcome. I am concerned tha she isn't making use of her thumb or settling because of the swaddle.
Does anyone have any tips or suggestions as to how I can/if I should wean Charlie from the swaddle, how to get longer naps, longer wakeful times and less yelling?
Thank you so much.