Hi jplovesbella!
Dont feel bad, you have described my son to the T (including the feed to sleep :oops: ). You mentioned teething, I have also suspected my son of teething, but have not seen any "teeth". What symptoms does your lo have? I spoke to my ped, and he didnt seem all that interested in it. He made some reccomendations of teething rings etc., and said that he did not like to push teething meds this early though. What are you doing for lo?
Also, how many hours of day sleep is your lo getting. I figured out my son is getting too much and that is what is contributing to the night wakings. He was getting 6-8 hrs, and he is supposed to have 5ish. I also think he is eating too much at night because his day time feeds are much smaller. I need to ask the eating board what to do. Are you experiencing the same thing.