Author Topic: Was on 3-4hr EASY, now 2-2.5hr EASY??  (Read 767 times)

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Offline Mrsv4

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Was on 3-4hr EASY, now 2-2.5hr EASY??
« on: January 13, 2006, 17:21:45 pm »
DD is 8 weeks old.  From the time she was born until about 5 weeks, she was on a 3-4hour EASY.  At this time she would go for about 5 hours stretches through the night without eating (one night waking around 3am).  Then around 5.5weeks she switched to a 2-2.5 hour EASY.  Then around 7 weeks she started sleeping though the night.  Do babies automatically switch their feeding habits during the day so they can get through the night??  I thought the EASY schedule would get longer as babies got older??  Although I love that she's sleeping through the night, The 2 hour easy doesn't give me much Y time (since she only naps maybe 30min). :?

Offline GraceKellysmom

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Was on 3-4hr EASY, now 2-2.5hr EASY??
« Reply #1 on: January 13, 2006, 19:34:31 pm »
My ds was like your dd, eating frequently during the day and sleeping all night. It was wonderful while it lasted!

I think some babies have a longer schedule when they are tiny because they are still in that newborn sleepy phase. Once they 'wake up' to the world they don't sleep as well. As they get older, around 4-6 months, most breastfed babies get on a 3-4 hr EASY, determined by the amount of time they can stay awake/nap.

Enjoy some full nights of sleep!
Stacy, Mama to
Grace Kelly 01/03, Maximilian Alexander 07/04, Faith Noelle 03/07, Henry Patrick 12/08
and my angel babies