Hi there. So sorry to hear you are having such troubles getting your DS to sleep, you must be EXHAUSTED!! :shock:
Have you tried putting him down for naps?
What is his reaction to his nap time?
What time does he get up for the day?
At 6 months I would suggest about 1.5 - 2 hours of awake time before his first nap. Does he show tired cues? For example, rubbing his eyes, yawning, whining??
I think at this age he should be having at minimum 2 naps a day, an a.m. nap of about 1.5 hours and the same for the afternoon. Some babies still have a short (45 minutes) catnap late in the afternoon, before a bedtime of between 6 pm and 7 pm.
Hopefully we can get some help for you so you can get some much needed rest!!