Hello, I have recently purchased Tracy's newest book, and have been impelementing the 3 hour EASY with my 15 week old son, as he has been terribly sleep deprived and soooooooo cranky! Anyway, I digress...
I have a couple of questions regarding the short naps and night wakings, and they may seem silly, but I have come across these issues so far.
1. What happens when he scratches himself and hurts himself in the middle of the night ( but of course I don't know that this has happened, all I know is that he is crying badly....)?
2. What about when he has been put down and is almost asleep, OR wakes up after 45 minutes of napping, and POOPS? Do I pick him up and change him right away?
3. And what if he poops in the middle of a PU/PD??
4. Can I use a soother as part of PU/PD?
5. How do I know if he is pacifier dependent? Some times he can fall asleep with out it, but usually needs it, spits it out, then roots around for it, and sometimes he will get himself back to sleep without it, but other times he needs it?
Sorry for all the questions, I didn't know which topic to post them under, as they seem to cover all areas :?
Thank you very much for any advice you may give, it is truly appreciated in this house of non-sleep :roll: !