Hello folks! I would love some advice about my wee boy who has just started waking at 4:30 am and seems hungry...
My wee boy is 5 months old. Over the last two months he has slept through the night - the last four weeks he has slept from about 8pm to 7:30 with his last feed at 6:30pm. On Saturday night, we moved him through to his own room. He went to sleep without problems and a couple of times seemed to wake up a bit but settled himself (so he can do it). At 4:30 am, he woke up and didn't settle himself. I shhushed and patted for a while and it looked for about 10 minutes that he would go back to sleep. HOwever, he then started to cry with more force. I tried pick up and put down and it quickly escalated into full on screaming! When I picked him up, he started scrabbling to find my breast and trying to latch on through my pyjamas....so I fed him. He did seem very hungry and went back down awake very easilly.
On Sunday and Monday nights we have repeated this. I gave him an extra feed during the day yesterday and last night particularly I tried not to feed him, and even gave him some boiled water (which was not appreciated at all!). I felt though that he was hungry - and as nothing else was working I ended up feeding him - he did seem ravenous.
I'm not sure where to go from here - I'm wondering if he is just having a growth spurt and needs the extra milk...I haven't started weaning him and I'm wondering if maybe I should start....I'm wondering if I should hold out and try to carry on doing pick up - put down until we get to his morning feed time??? Maybe he is adjusting to being in his own room but I don't know how to help with this. I really don't want this to become a habit after several blissful months of plenty of sleep!
Thanks so much for any help/suggestions,
Sarah and JT