Author Topic: CIO for 3 yr old?  (Read 1252 times)

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CIO for 3 yr old?
« on: January 26, 2006, 22:33:59 pm »
I am re-posting this, cuz I think my other one is lost in cyberspace  ???

This was last night….
Gave DS a bath, dressed in PJ’s and into my bed for a bit of TV time. When the time came we brushed teeth, and off to bed. We talked a little, had hugs & kisses than I left him to fall asleep.
2 min later he was downstairs saying “not bedtime”, I told him twice to get back to bed then carried him there. I said, “the sun is sleeping and you should be sleeping too”. That’s when it started, “NO, not bedtime” “I go downstairs” “Not sleepy” “NO, no, no” I said, “it is bedtime, now put your head down and go to sleep”.
I left the room. He waited 30sec and was on the stairs again. This time as I carried him I was punched, scratched and spit on. I put him on the bed and walked out.
The next time I was at the door waiting, I took him back in and cuddled him, sang to him and he calmed down. I left.
He was up again. This time I sat on the bed blocking his escape from it, he was crying, yelling, etc, etc. Eventually he put his head down (still crying/ whining) and it tapered off to a whimper. I then left the room and did not hear from him again.
It’s like I had to let him C.I.O.

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Re: CIO for 3 yr old?
« Reply #1 on: January 26, 2006, 22:40:57 pm »
I don't know, I never considered it CIO if it was ignoring that whining.... Don't be harsh on yourself. They need their sleep regardless of what they try and tell us.  ;)
If it gets too much and he really resists, drop the idea that it's sleep that you're after and let him have a book - as long as he stays in bed.
Lici can often be awake until 10pm. But she knows that she must stay in bed. I can't make her sleep, but I can make her stay in bed.
They drop off after a while.
(Oh and she has no light - only the normal night light that is in the hall away from her bedroom, so it's not 'reading' at all....)
Mum to Lici (Felicity) 23 October 2002

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Re: CIO for 3 yr old?
« Reply #2 on: January 26, 2006, 23:06:33 pm »
I wouldn't consider that to be CIO at all.  Having watched some of the parenting programmes what you did is a good way.  You quickly returned him to bed with the minimum of attention and eventually he got the idea. 

Don't beat yourself up about it.  I think we'll end up doing something like this once I get the courage to take the sides off the cotbed and he's no longer contained!

Hope tonight's better.
