Hello! I posted this on another string, but thought I would post it on its own to see if anyone has any advice:
DD is 17 mos - lots of nightwakings/trouble going down (we're working on it!). If she wakes up after an hour long nap, I've tried to get her back down, but no success. Do I put her down for another nap a little later to try and "catch up" and get more daytime sleep? She has been on one nap for a while now.
I've heard all kinds of "time frames" for being awake (anywhere from 4-6 hours before a nap/bedtime) We have been putting DD down for a nap (trying to be consistant with the times) approx. 6 hours after she wakes up in the morning is when she goes down for a nap. It is about 5 hours from the time she wakes up from a nap to when we are putting her down to bed:
Day is like this:
6:00 AM - wake up (this isn't consistant though, due to early wake up/nightwakings, etc - some I'm trying to fix this with naps)
12:00 PM - Nap
1 - 1:30 PM - Wakes up (most of the time)
6:15 PM - start bedtime routine
6:30 - 6:45 PM in bed
6:45 - 7:15 PM - asleep (sometimes earlier)
Am I waiting too long to put her down each time? What is a good time frame?? Am I making her overtired?