We hopefullly have got through the worst of the teething, and the medised just before bed eased DS through the night for the last week! Did have a few days of 5.30am starts, but is now back to usual 6am wake up - when Dh gets up! I am really not sure whether to transition to 1 nap.
Schedule is roughly this:- (Ds is 16 months old)
6am wake + bf
7.30am breakfast
9.30/ 10am nap between 1hr and 1 hr 30mins
12 lunch
2.30pm nap (depending when wakes) between 45mins and 1hr 30mins again depends how long am nap)
6pm dinner
7.00pm bath
7.30 bed
7.50pm asleep
I have to ensure he doesn't sleep later than 3.45pm/4pm to preserve bedtime, and it is a struggle sometimes to do this. He will only sleep in pram at the moment, but this isn't a huge problem for me to walk him about (exercise!) - he does stay asleep once he has gone off.
I can keep him awake in the morning until after lunch - but he will be really tired, but I am scared if he gets too tired in am that he will wake in the night again. Or does it seem that it is the afternoon that will regulate this, so as long as he isn't overtired at bedtime he should be ok?
Or should I just persist with the two naps until he gives up one on his own?
Any advice welcome - I see several Mum's going through the same thing at the moment...but I am umming and arring to distraction..(the last problem is a super early bedtime is a struggle with Dh who gets in after 6 and is desperate to see Ds!)