Author Topic: 9 mo old started waking during night  (Read 1073 times)

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Offline peredeSophie

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9 mo old started waking during night
« on: February 07, 2006, 17:47:28 pm »
Our 9 mos old daughter was a champion sleeper but we are living through something very similar to the thread "10 month old waking waking waking"

About 2 weeks ago we had a very rough week during which she cut 3 teeth and also spiked a severe fever that found us in the Emergency Room. We have also recently cut out the dream feed and weened her from the breast, though she was only breastfeeding once in the morning (cuddle time with mom...) She has been sleeping great nights since 6 weeks and even has recovered routine after travelling an having colds. Not this time though...

She will cry out a couple of times a night and now also wakes, stands up cries and will not go back to sleep except on mom or dad's lap. Then her sleep is very very fitful and we cannot transfer her back to her bed without her waking. I am certain if we turned on the lights and started playing, she would be all for it but as long as we keep it calm she tries to snuggle in and get back to sleep but it is a long process. Can take and hour or two. During that time she pulls on hair (mine and hers), grates her teeth, makes babbling and clicking sounds, looks for distractions and alternately snuggles in and then snaps back. Some times she passes a bit of gas but it does not seem to provide any relief.  The waking hours are not very consistant although the last two nights they have been so I will likely try the preventative waking tonight.
Any other suggestions?

Here is a typical day (hours approximate)

7-7:30 Wake (happy), bottle
7:30 - 8:15 solo play
8:15 - 8:45 Breakfast (eating not badly though easily bored with food - likes to self-feed)
9-10:30 play group of some kind or a walk and more play time
10:00 or 10:30 Cuddle, sleepy songs, nap time (goes down well)
Naps for 1 hour or 1 hour 15 minutes
11:00 or 11:30 Wake up - bottle
11:45 play time
12:30 lunch
1:00 activity (Often a group thing like swimming - Aquatots!)
2:30 or 3:00 wind down again - nap usually a bit longer 1:15 to 1:45
4:00 or 4:30 Wake up - bottle
5:00 dad gets home - active play
6:00 supper
6:30 more play
6:45 bath
7:05 bottle and cuddle in darkened room wind down for bed
7:30 bed time -excellent put downs


Father to Sophie May 6 2005

Offline peredeSophie

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Re: 9 mo old started waking during night
« Reply #1 on: February 08, 2006, 15:12:21 pm »
A little more info. We were reading the lengthy sleeping interview with Tracy and she elaborated on the concept of developmental disruption which might what is happening with our LO. She has recently really started crawling, increased range of babbling sounds, lots of cruising and teeth of course. In the interview Tracy suggests this may last a couple of weeks. Were are just over one week so perhaps we will just wait and see. She woke again last night but not at the same time so pre-emptive is probably not the way to go.
Any thoughts on all of this would be greatly appreciated.
Père de Sophie
Father to Sophie May 6 2005

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Re: 9 mo old started waking during night
« Reply #2 on: February 09, 2006, 02:55:59 am »
My thought is it is part developmental & also thing like 8.5mo is doing it too.

there is also a growth spurt around 9mo, so she may genuinely be hungry in the night.

you may also find it is time to try & cut back a little on the day time naps, if she is very wakeful at night, try limiting the morning to 1 hour & the pm to 1.5 hours.
dc1 July 03, dc2 May 05

Offline peredeSophie

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Re: 9 mo old started waking during night
« Reply #3 on: February 09, 2006, 13:49:30 pm »
That food part does not fit because the couple of times we have tried the bottle during night wakings she has rejected it. The napping might be one thing. Last night she stareted a cold though so everything will be on hold for a few days now. Will keep everyone posted. Thanks for the suggestions
Father to Sophie May 6 2005