Author Topic: How to return to sleep well after the change of the cradle to the bed  (Read 1245 times)

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Offline MiCrO

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Hi!, My baby girl has 19 months old. One week ago, we changed her crib to bed, because she tried to jump of the crib. Before this, she slept very well and she slept single. But now it's impossible!! She does not go to sleep without me. If I go out to her room, she cries and she persecutes to me. Always she wakes up at 3:00 a.m., looking for to me and she does not sleep again if I don't be near to her crib. I'm tired for this situation, because I can't sleep well. Help me, please!... What can I do?

Thanks a lot!

Mireya Cruz
Note: Excuse me my poor English. I'm learning it. If you have somebody to speak Spanish, I will repeat my question in Spanish ...

Hola!, mi hija tiene 19 meses de edad. Hace una semana, cambiamos su cuna a cama, porque ella intentó saltar de la cuna. Antes de esto, ella dormía muy bien y se dormía sola. Pero ahroa es imposible! Ella no se va a dormir sin mi. Sin salgo de su habitación, ella llora y me persigue. Siempre despierta a las 3:00 a.m., buscándome y no vuelve a dormirse si no estoy cerca de su cuna. Estoy cansada de esta situación, porque no duermo bien. Ayúdenme por favor!... qué puedo hacer??

Offline onemodestdiva

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Re: How to return to sleep well after the change of the cradle to the bed
« Reply #1 on: February 13, 2006, 14:43:37 pm »
We are in the same boat in some ways.  I have a daughter that just made the transition to a bed and she is 19 months as well.  Some of the things that helped us make the transition is that we had a rail on the bed so that it made it harder for her to get off the bed.  also when she goes to bed it is really dark in her room.  That way she can't see to get to the door.  There were some rough nights.  we would let her cry for a time and then go back in and make her crawl back into bed by herself and then tuck her in.  this is hard because usually they are right back out of the bed.  some days for naps we find her curled up on the floor after she fusses.  if you are concerned about the door then you can try a baby gate acrossed the door so you can see in and your child can't get out.  they are old enough to recognize positive reinforcement.  the morning that eva slept all night both her dad and I ran in and made a huge deal about her sleeping in her big girl bed.  Then I made sure that we called both grandma's and anyone else we could think of to brag her up about it.  It seems to have worked.  remember when she wakes at night you are responsible for making sure hse is okay but not for putting her back to sleep.  don't rush in right away...give her some time to figure it out and then if you think she won't go back to sleep then go in and give her contact but don't talk too much. 
I hope this helps.  i remember being so frustrated because noone responded to me when I needed help so I went to various places to get all this information.  It seems to have worked.
(hope this helps)  HTH