Sounds to me that because you are suplementing with a bottle your milk supply didn't get built up at the 3months growth spurt, so your lo is actually hungry as your breast milk supply & consistency didn't adjust as it would have if you didn't offer top ups.
If you want to continue bf & have a baby that sleeps better, you really need to stop the suplemental feeding & offer the breast lots, like even every 2 hours during the day to build up your supply & for the time being I am pretty sure those night feeds are needed. Do you pump, as pumping for about 10mins after the bedtime & first feed of the day & then offering that in a bottle helped me lots at growth spurt times.
getting 5oz from pumping probably means he is getting close to 7oz as pumping is not as effective as a baby.
Teething may be an issue, but also if he is sleepy when you put him down that may be a problem, but I think it is in part hunger.