Author Topic: What soap to use ?  (Read 1923 times)

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Offline taylorbean

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What soap to use ?
« on: February 12, 2006, 04:22:18 am »
My daughter has a questionable cow protein or soy protein allergy. We just started her on Nutramigen. But I'm also wondering, I think it might be soap that's causing problems. She has ezxema all over her scalp, face and arms and ankles. It's terrible.  We use baby own' unscented. Then I dropped a pile of money on soap by earth's organics and it flared up worse than ever. I'm wanting to just give up on baths altogether, but I know baths make her feel good and clean and it's very much a part of her routine. Has anybody with infant ezxema had any luck with a soap product that is no irritating to the skin ? I'd love to know.

[Julie & Taylor (09/14/2005)

Offline colenliam

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Re: What soap to use ?
« Reply #1 on: February 12, 2006, 04:42:53 am »
My DS has a possible cows milk/soy protein allergy as well(which i don't think but hey....).  He has exzema as well.
For soap I definantly don't use the babys own, if find it to strong.  I either use the Gerber HAir/Body soap(the one with oatmeal in it) or the best I have found so far is the Aveeno Baby, it is also made with oatmeal, i use the soap and the lotion(fragrance free)  that has been the best so far, a bit pricey but if it works then it is worth it.  I have also put some oatmeal in my lo bath water every now and then.  But I would be sure he had no allergies to it first.
I understand your fustration though, poor little things, my lo daddy skin is still the same way at certain times of the year.
hth and hugs :-*


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Re: What soap to use ?
« Reply #2 on: February 12, 2006, 04:52:11 am »
Tristan had a really severe case of it when he was tiny. We used Cetaphil cleansers (still do) and changed our laundry detergent to All, Free and Clear. You want to look for soaps without dyes or any kind of scent.

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Re: What soap to use ?
« Reply #3 on: February 13, 2006, 01:27:20 am »
Personally, I'd give up on soap all together at that age. Use a mild baby shampoo for her head and be done. Baths can be very good for babies with eczema. Just make sure she soaks for 15 minutes in luke warm water and slather her good with a lotion cream within 3 minutes of getting her out of the tub. ;) It actually has amazing results if done properly. :)
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Offline nena2812

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Re: What soap to use ?
« Reply #4 on: March 07, 2006, 03:05:19 am »
late to reply but hopefully you'll see it. my son is deathly allergic to anything w/ peanuts in it and had a reaction when he was 1. excema and very sensitive skin has been my battle since then and after taking him to a specialist the best thing i've come across is Dove - sensitive skin soap. i use only aveeno shampoo and never let the child soak too long. aveeno also has a infant oatmeal bath soak that works well. if my son's excema flares(which it isnt only food that can flare it - emotions can as well) i have a medicine that i put on and give him a little zyrtec. good luck!

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Re: What soap to use ?
« Reply #5 on: March 07, 2006, 11:14:19 am »
My lo had excema when she was about a 3 months old, the doctor prescribed oilatum to added to her bath.  That cleared it up a treat.  We were given a cream to use called Aqueous cream another good one is Eucerin Cream.  Most soap tends to dry out the skin, maybe something thats free from artificial colours, fragrance free and also lanolin free may help.

Dove and simple are good brands for sensitive skin but im not sure if they make them for babies?

HTH    xxx   Alison
mum of 2 (3 if you include my partner)

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Re: What soap to use ?
« Reply #6 on: March 18, 2006, 15:00:19 pm »
hey, check out and and let me know what you think?

Offline ryan's mum

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Re: What soap to use ?
« Reply #7 on: March 18, 2006, 21:37:51 pm »
Ryan also has eczema , we don't use soap at all , just a 15 minute bath every other night , then loads and loads of eucerin on his skin . we also use double base. we slap it on so he just looks white . we manage to keep his eczema under control without the use of steroid creams . his cheeks are the hardest part to keep soft , he gets very rashy .
 at this age i don't think you need to use soap ,i found baby products like " johnsons"were to hard on his skin , since i stopped using them his head is clear ( yellow and flaky before) . we were also told to use oilatum in the bath but we don't use anything unless he is really dirty.
[img width= height=][/img]Ryan James 9 Nov 2003

[img width= height=][/img]

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Re: What soap to use ?
« Reply #8 on: March 22, 2006, 07:44:13 am »
We used Cetaphil cleansers (still do) and changed our laundry detergent to All, Free and Clear.

ditto!  we tried about 5 different soaps and lotions and was even prescribed some steroid cream and oral steroids at one point.  cetaphil TOTALLY saved us (and DS's skin).  we religiously use the cream (not the lotion) almost everytime we change his diaper and his skin looks and feels like how baby's skin is supposed to feel.