My LO will be 5 months next week

Anyway, for A time we:
*Go for a stoll around the neighborhood
*Now that it is fall, play outside in the leaves- he loves picking them up and shaking them
*Sit near a tree and watch the branches move in the wind- he loves the breeze on his face
*Read.. have been reading to him since he was born
*He can watch our dogs play all day
*Do "Head Shoulders Knees & Toes" and kiss each part as you sing it
*Play with his crinkle books- he loves anything that crinkles
*While mommy is doing dishes, he plays with plastic measuring spoons and cups
*Discovering what paper is.. he loves to grab a piece and throw it on the ground and waits for me to give it back so he can throw it again
*Talking to him about what we did for the day.. he loves to just listen to anyone talk directly to him
*I try not to sit him in front of the tv.. I think it is a bad habit to start so young, but he has caught a glimpse of Max & Ruby here and there while I needed to use the restroom or grab something to eat
*Loves the exersaucer and Johhny Jump Up
*If I need a break and it isn't his nap time turn place it in real close in front of our big window. Now that it is getting colder out, he can still see outside without having to get bundled up
*car drives to the park or zoo.
*Walking around house and telling him about the rooms and what is in them
*Bath time.. he is really into splashing now
*Laying on my back and playing airplane by placing him on my legs and lifting him over my chest
Finally.. we play superman a lot. I pick him up and hold him in the air by the legs and stomach and fly him around the house like superman. He loves flying over the dogs