Spending 1 1/2 hours putting them to bed is not fair to you, and not teaching them how to get a good night's sleep! I would establish a set routine, repeat it to her verbally several times a day, and stick with it at night. Ours is:
6- dinner
6:30 - a little play time (unless dinner goes late)
6:45 - bath
7 - books
7:15/7:30 - bedtime (1-2 minutes of talking with my 4-yo then out the door; sippy cup of mily for 2-yo then lay her down in her crib and out the door)
We also have "sleep rules" with our 4-yo, which means he can't get out of bed at bedtime or during the night. We are lenient for 1 rising at bedtime and 1 in the middle of the night. We make sure he gets a sip of water and final potty before bed. If he follows the rules, he gets a treat sometime during the next day, otherwise he doesn't. Also, the gate at the door is a great idea if your lo is getting out of bed a lot. HTH