Hi all,
things have been going fairly well for a while (yay!) so I haven't posted. Things are still good - our 19 month old DD is bright and happy, learning lots of new words and (most importantly!) having a decent nap every day.
At nap time and bed time she always goes to sleep on her own after some time doing what I call "cot gymnastics". It involves a bit of jumping around, rattling the bars, thumb-sucking, moaning, chatting then sleep anywhere from 20-60mins after bed time. Occassionally she'll actually seem upset, so we'll go in to resettle and give Pamol if teething is the problem. We never go in more than twice - the final time is very much about saying "night night, see you tomorrow" and she settles not long after.
This is all well and good, and it only takes about 15 mins to get her to bed with a story, milk and cuddles. However, I can't imagine trying to get her to sleep in a bed where she will have the whole room to run around in before she settles down. There is no realy urgency to move her from the cot right now, but had envisaged that we'd do this around the time she turned 2.
I'd love to hear from others who have gone through this experience, especially if their toddler is not of the immediately sound asleep variety!
Thank you,