please help, i am getting into a bit of a pickle with my ds and his food.
he is 6.5 months old and has been eating since 5.5 months. i introduced solids as he stopped gaining weight so we have moved rapidly to three meals a day and all was going well until recently.
i cant seem to get the timings right and so he is often too tired to eat.
also he has started waking around 10 or 11 at night for a feed and this seems to be affecting his morning bf (he is not really hungry). nor does he want his breakfast.
although i have tried to not feed him when he wakes at night he is very insistant and then doesn't really take much. he never had a dream feed at all, he slept through 7 - 7 from around 3.5 months.
i am confused as to what i should be focussing on.... should i skip any of the breastfeeds? worried he will lose weight again if he doesn't take solid meals.
any help would be great.....