DD is 5MO and we tried applesauce ( only 2 bites) a few weeks ago and it gave her a terrible tummy ache. So, we decided to wait a couple more weeks and try again. This morning, we tried pears (per Tracy's suggestion) and finally got about 3 bites in. DD pooped about an hour later and then again 2 hours later. This is unusual for several reasons:
1. DD has suffered from constipation ALL the time and actually takes medicine for it. I don't think she's ever pooped twice in a day in her life!
2. She was red faced and pushing, but not in pain while pooping. And, didn't fuss from a tummyache like before.
3. This is the TMI part: The pears appeared to pass right through her. You could actually see them in her diaper. And, some formula had curdled and passed through as well.
4. She vomited up a bottle several hours later (hasn't done that since week #1).
Is this just her body adjusting to the solids? Or is this an indication that it's still too soon?
Much thanks!