Author Topic: Is it too early for solids? (WARNING: May be TMI!)  (Read 1130 times)

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Offline Mom2katiebug

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Is it too early for solids? (WARNING: May be TMI!)
« on: March 18, 2006, 23:06:44 pm »
DD is 5MO and we tried applesauce ( only 2 bites) a few weeks ago and it gave her a terrible tummy ache.  So, we decided to wait a couple more weeks and try again.  This morning, we tried pears (per Tracy's suggestion) and finally got about 3 bites in.  DD pooped about an hour later and then again 2 hours later.  This is unusual for several reasons:

1.  DD has suffered from constipation ALL the time and actually takes medicine for it.  I don't think she's ever pooped twice in a day in her life!

2.  She was red faced and pushing, but not in pain while pooping.  And, didn't fuss from a tummyache like before.

3.  This is the TMI part:  The pears appeared to pass right through her.  You could actually see them in her diaper.  And, some formula had curdled and passed through as well.

4.  She vomited up a bottle several hours later (hasn't done that since week #1).

Is this just her body adjusting to the solids?  Or is this an indication that it's still too soon? 

Much thanks!
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Offline cwolff

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Re: Is it too early for solids? (WARNING: May be TMI!)
« Reply #1 on: March 19, 2006, 04:46:11 am »
Just from what you've said, it sounds like your LO has a sensitive tummy.  Until 6 months of age, some babies still lack adequate enzymes to properly digest solid foods of any kind.  There is no rush to have her eat solids, so I would wait until she is at least 6 months, and consult her pediatrician as to what foods you should start with.  It may be that you have to adjust her medications to correspond with high fiber solid foods such as pears and prunes.  I would actually have tried bananas because they are such a mild, easy to digest food.

Offline Shdef

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Re: Is it too early for solids? (WARNING: May be TMI!)
« Reply #2 on: March 19, 2006, 11:06:51 am »
In Germany, the guidelines are 6 months and one day, then you can think about even starting solids. With a sensitive tummy I would wait at least that time anyway, so that she doesn't develop an allergy.

Offline ryan's mum

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Re: Is it too early for solids? (WARNING: May be TMI!)
« Reply #3 on: March 19, 2006, 11:34:16 am »
i have read somewhere on this forum that pears do cause tummy ache , Ryan has always been fine with them. Ryan is also on meds for constipation and pears is what we give him to help him go without straining. also we did find pieces of pear in his nappy. we tried everything to relieve constipation but had to put him on the sugar based medicine in the end , but we have found foods that help. when your dd start eating more solids you may find you have to increase the med to begin with , but when you find foods that help you can cut it down again.
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Offline Mom2katiebug

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Re: Is it too early for solids? (WARNING: May be TMI!)
« Reply #4 on: March 19, 2006, 16:18:00 pm »
Okay, I'm actually thinking that we may have teething issues and possibly a tummy bug wrapped in here too.  She's got all the signs of teething (I think) plus vomitting.  She pooped 2 more times yesterday, vomited another bottle, and pooped twice overnight.  That's like a week or more of poop in one day.  She's eating very small amounts and just SO cranky.  It's more than the pears.

Thanks for your feedback!
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