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Silly question about pears...
« on: March 22, 2006, 12:35:17 pm »
Hi, my ds is nearly 6 mths old and I have just started him on a bit of baby rice in the morning. I am going to stick with this for a week and then move onto pears as Tracy suggests in BW Solves all your problems book. is the silly question, do I use any type of pear, and do I cook it (stew them) in a bit of water as you would do for apples, and then puree them? Can I cook them, puree them and then freeze them?

can you tell I am new to this!!! any advice gratefully rec'd. Thanks,

Offline Lªuren

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Re: Silly question about pears...
« Reply #1 on: March 22, 2006, 12:54:24 pm »
Hello bridget  ;D

I use any type of pears! peal, chop and put in my steamer (just a metal one that opens out into a pan, with water at the bottom so pear don't boil).

I them blend and if necessary I add a little of the pear juice. The last batch I made had no added water because I wanted then a bit thicker, because DS was used to them.

I also freeze then in ice cube trays after cooled. 


They are good mixed with apple or banana or both  :D
Lauren x

Offline Beam79

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Re: Silly question about pears...
« Reply #2 on: March 22, 2006, 13:18:05 pm »
Hello!!  :)
You are a star, thanks for that...I am just starting out and haven't a clue what I'm doing!!! I have got one of those metal steamers-never even though of using that, what a good idea! probably keeps more of the goodness in too. Great idea!
Do you have any other ood first foods? We have a bit of a constipation issue too at the moment-I think due to the teething powders (Ashton and someone) than I have been using-oops!

Hope you are well and Calum too x

Offline Beam79

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Re: Silly question about pears...
« Reply #3 on: March 22, 2006, 13:21:21 pm »
Another dumb question...once frozen whats the safest way to defrost them, and other fruit and veggies?
I really don;t know what I'm doing, can you tell??  ;D

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Re: Silly question about pears...
« Reply #4 on: March 22, 2006, 13:34:17 pm »
Other first foods are (after baby rice):

sweet potato (don't not blend, use a sieve - blending will bring out the starches in the potato, same for normal potates)
green beans

Remember to continue toi give milk first, some book recommend at least 7oz. Introduce new foods every 3 days.....

....just looking for more stuff for you.
Lauren x

Offline Beam79

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Re: Silly question about pears...
« Reply #5 on: March 22, 2006, 13:38:52 pm »
Thanks x

So you don't blend potato but mash it through a seive...thats a good tip.
I will continue to give milk first b/c Joseph still a bit hit and miss, with milk intake. Sometimes he will drink 7 oz, sometimes only 4...he seems to get hungrier as the day goes on which is why I feed at 3, then a wee top up at 5, then full 7-8 oz at bedtime 7pm and DF at 10pm....I have tried to get him to drink more in the day but he just clamps his lips shut! Minxy. Yest'day morning I woke him at 7.15am (he hadn't eaten since DF at 10pm) and he eat 1 oz!!! I can't work him out.... ::)

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Re: Silly question about pears...
« Reply #6 on: March 22, 2006, 13:42:15 pm »
Sounds like my DS, would you beleive today he only wanted 1oz at 1130 before clamping his mouth shut, I tried his sippy, he played, so I ened up getting his Diody cup from the cupboard and he slowly sipped 5oz  :o :o :o  I was so impressed  :D
Lauren x

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Re: Silly question about pears...
« Reply #7 on: March 22, 2006, 13:44:18 pm »
with frozen meals , i would take out the amount you use for his first meal , first thing in the morning. by the time it was ready to feed it had defrosted itself , i just warm the food then. take the next meal out ready , this will defrost before you need it.
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Re: Silly question about pears...
« Reply #8 on: March 22, 2006, 13:48:29 pm »
Hi there,
you mentioned there is a constipation issue....could well be the rice, poor lily gets very bunged up after it....which is a shame as it is her favourite!
butternut squash is a big hit....steam it and puree it
also melon can be pureed raw
annabelle karmel has a great book of " baby purees"
Proud mum to Alice 16/3/1999 and Lily 7/10/2005

Baby No. 3 due 20th May 2008.

Offline Lªuren

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Re: Silly question about pears...
« Reply #9 on: March 22, 2006, 13:52:53 pm »
sorry forgot to answer you about heating, I personally take then out frozen and put them in micro for 45sec, so they are PIPING hot and let them cool.
Lauren x

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Re: Silly question about pears...
« Reply #10 on: March 22, 2006, 14:06:59 pm »
This is from the Gina FORD - contented baby book, there is a weaning guie at the back. Her cook book is also supposed to be good. I have ordered the Gina Ford one and I also use the Annabel Karmel - baby and toddler meal planner (also tells you what you can freeze). I also had the puree one like Evelyn but sent it back as most of the receipes where in the b & t meal planner.

192 the new contented little baby book – Gina Ford

Weaning:   Days 1-15

Days Time Food

1-3   11am    Breast feed or 180-240m1 (6—Boz) of formula milk
1 tsp of pure organic baby rice mixed with breast milk, formula or cool boiled water

4-6      6pm   Breast feed or 180-240m1 (6—8oz) of formula milk
1-2 tsp baby rice mixed with breast milk, formula or
cool boiled water

7-9   11am    Breast feed or 180-240m1 (6-8oz) of formula milk I cube of carrot purée
      6pm   Breast feed or 180-2lOml (6—7oz) of formula milk
1-2 tsp baby rice mixed with breast milk, formula or
cool boiled water plus 1 cube of pear purée

10-12   11am       Breast feed or 180-240m1 (6—8oz) of formula milk
1 cube of apple purée

6pm         Breast feed or 210-240ml (7-8oz) of formula milk
2~3 tsp baby rice mixed with breast milk, formula or cool boiled water

13-15    11 am    Breast feed or 1 80--240m1 (6--8oz) of formula rnilk
1 cube of sweet potato purée

6pm         Breast feed or 21 O-240ml (7—8oz) of formula milk
2-3 tsp baby mice mixed with breast milk. formula or cool boiled water plus 1 cube of pear puree

Start to alternate the fruit at night time. From now on introduce a new vegetable every 3 days at lunch time. alternating with the ones he is already eating.
Note: To avoid problems with baby’s digestive system, new foods must only be introduced every 3 days. It is vital to reminder that mi1k is still the most important food at this stage. By replacing it too quickly with solid food you will deny your baby the perfect balance of vitamins and minerals that milk supplies. By using the above method during the first month of weaning you can he sure your baby will take exactly the amount of solids that he needs. without losing the nutritional value of the milk.
Once the baby is established on rice at lunchtime and shows no reaction I would transfer the rice to after tea-time feed. I then introduce a teaspoonful of puréed organic pear after the lunchtime feed. If, it is tolerated after three days I would mix the pear with the rice at the teatime feed. This makes the rice more palatable and avoids the baby becoming constipated. I now begin to introduce a small amount of various vegetables and fruit after the lunchtime feed. I am convinced that the reason very few of my babies develop a sweet tooth is because more vegetables than fruit in the early days vegetables favored by most babies at this sweet potato, green beans, courgettes and swede or turnip.

Other foods

Gillian Harris, a clinical psychologist researching weaning in babies, found that babies introduced to a wide variety of non-allergy-forming foods from the age of 4/6 months would accept a wider range of food than those weaned on a restricted diet.
Between the ages of five and six months babies who started weaning at four months should have taste variety of vegetables and fruit. Food still needs to be pureed smoothly. This will help prepare your baby for mashed food at six months.
Meat, chicken or fish should not be introduced until baby is capable of digesting reasonable amounts of other solids. Some nutritionists believe that protein on the young baby’s kidneys and digestive tract.  A very large baby could start protein at five months but for most, six months is the best age.
Dairy products, wheat, eggs. nuts and citrus fruits still be avoided at this stage, as they are likely to trigger allergies. Salt should he avoided and sugar only used in small quantities when stewing introduced before one

Bridget I may not nessesatily agree ir have done everything in this plan. I started when DS was most hungry at tea time not lunch. I then introduced lunch then a breakfast. There are others on this site who do follow her guide very successfully, I have only posted the intial food part.

I have also attached Annabel Karmels meal planners, you so they are different from GF's, but it will give you a help if nothing else.

You can also have:
Butternut squash
Potato (sieve again)

What I did was make individual ice cubes then do mix and match every day.

« Last Edit: March 22, 2006, 14:16:21 pm by Calums_Mum »
Lauren x

Offline Beam79

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Re: Silly question about pears...
« Reply #11 on: March 22, 2006, 14:43:41 pm »
Wow, thanks girls for all the advice!
Thank you Lauren for the attachments, brilliant!

The constipation issue actually srated before I gave him rice, so I gave him some prunes and they did the trick! ;D
Think it wasd the teething powders I have been using, bunged him up...who knows. Babies are mysterious yet wonderful creatures!

Thanks you SO much for all the tips, much appreciated. Wil let you know how it goes....

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Re: Silly question about pears...
« Reply #12 on: March 22, 2006, 16:13:14 pm »
Lots of good information above, but a few very important things to point out...on Gina Ford's schedule (the one that isn't an attachment), it appears that 2 new foods are introduced on the same day (days 7-9). Carrot is offered at lunch and pear is offered at dinner. First, it's never a good idea to try 2 new foods so close together. If your LO has a reaction or upset tummy, you'll have a difficult time trying to figure out what the trigger food was. Also, introducing a new food at dinner time isn't recommended either. Your LO will be down for the night soon after eating, so you won't have an opportunity to watch for reactions. And if upset tummy occurs, it will be a loooong sleepless night for both of you.

Also, if you plan to make your own baby food, use caution with foods like carrots, spinach, beets, broccoli, and other leafy greens. These foods all contain nitrates, a chemical that is harmful to babies. Baby food companies are able to screen the nitrate levels to ensure the food is safe, and we at home can't do that. Using organic foods can help reduce the amount of nitrates in these foods, as you can be sure they haven't been treated with nitrate-containing pesticides, but nitrates are naturally occurring and therefore can't be completely eliminated. Around the age of 6 mo, babies develop the ability to properly process nitrates, so the risk is gone, but it's hard to know exactly when this stage of digestive development occurs. Here's a link with more information:

Happy eating!
Mommy to Tyler, 12/30/03 and Mackenzie, 10/17/06
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Offline Beam79

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Re: Silly question about pears...
« Reply #13 on: March 22, 2006, 16:31:57 pm »
Thanks for that Melissa.
I have just been to the library and borrowed the Gina Ford weaning book and another one called first foods by he NCT-looks good.
Thank you Lauren for all the downloads....BTW what is a Diody cup?? I actually managed to coax and cajool Joseph into drinking 1 oz of water from his cup this afternoon!! Amazing.

Thank you so much, it is the start of a new chapter eh x

Offline Lªuren

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Re: Silly question about pears...
« Reply #14 on: March 22, 2006, 16:41:42 pm »
Lauren x