Author Topic: Desperate for sleep!  (Read 910 times)

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Offline portersmom

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Desperate for sleep!
« on: March 24, 2006, 22:38:54 pm »
First of all I want to introduce myself, my name is Charlotte and I have a 7 1/2 month old named Porter.
Porter has never been a good sleeper but always a good eater. He is 25 lbs already. There is no obesity in our family, he is just a big boy and since day one has liked his bottle. Now comes my problem, he has never slept well at night or during the day. He still has 4 bottles a day of 6 oz each and if necessary one in middle of the night of about 3 oz. Although I think he would drink more if I gave it to him. It took me long time to get him off feeding every 2 hrs during the day.  He has cereal at 7am, baby food at 12 noon and then cereal again at 5 pm.  He goes down at night about 6pm. It wasn't always like this, but he sleeps so little at night, he is really cranky and tired by then. He is also a catnapper during the day. Up until he was about 4 months he slept in the bassinette by my bed, at 4 months that wasn't working anymore and I got into the horrible habit of putting him in my bed. He is still there! Even sleeping beside me, he is up constantly in the night wanting the dreaded soother, which by the way he will not hold himself (although he can) he expects me to hold it. This goes on all night. I have not slept really since he was born.  I have tried putting him in his crib 2x and it was horrible. I had even less sleep than I normally do, once I actually got him to sleep with music, mobile etc and of course soother, he would wake every 45 min to 1 hour until about 2am when he would just cry until I took him into my bed. Please help!

Offline Kate A

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Re: Desperate for sleep!
« Reply #1 on: March 25, 2006, 00:46:35 am »
I'm so sorry for your lack of sleep, i'm sure you are miserable.  I'll try to offer a few suggestions, but they are only the ones I've read. 
The 'No Cry Sleep Solution', can't remeber the author's name, she gives a complete guideline in her book as to how to get them out of your bed and into their own bed.  We don't have that problem but I remember reading it thinking it was a fabulous idea.  The process is really slow, but combined with the BW methods, it could do wonders.
First, she suggests starting with the daytime.  Does he take naps in your bed?  If you break that first, the transition might be easier at night.  She suggests allowing them to sleep on you on the floor in their room, then moving them to the floor but next to you, then moving them into the crib but with you touching them, etc.  Sounds like alot, but helps to make the transition a little easier.
Does he play in his crib? If not, try to set him in there to play.  He may warm up to the idea more.

sorry, I'm not much help, ??? but at least wanted to give you that resource.  good luck

You could also try the birth clubs under general (I think) and select the month that he was born and those mama's may be able to help
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Offline portersmom

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Re: Desperate for sleep!
« Reply #2 on: March 25, 2006, 08:27:10 am »
Thanks so much for your suggestions. At this point I will try anything for both me and Porter.