Author Topic: PLEASE HELP!  (Read 942 times)

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Offline Isabellasmama

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« on: March 29, 2006, 20:29:39 pm »
Hi - I am so tired and confused!  Isabella sleeps great at night, but only sleeps for 30-minutes during naps.  2 weeks ago I read Tracy's new book and did PU/PD and after a few days it seemed to work.  BUT, we went on a trip for a few days (STAYED ON ROUTINE), and she has been messed up since.  I spent almost 2 hours doing PU/PD yesterday, and almost 2 hours doing PU/PD today!  This is gonna drive me nuts if there isn't breakthough!!!   :'(  She is spirited and usually goes to sleep fine.  But she always wakes up about 30 minutes into her naps.  She cries and I do PU/PD.  As soon as I pick her up she arches her back, so I put her back down immediately.  She gets more & more hysterical and rubs her eyes and pulls her ears (I swaddle her tightly but she always mangages to get at least one hand out).  If I don't swaddle, she thrashes about violently and can't calm down . . . but swaddling doesn't seem to help, either.  She is just so upset.  I tried wake to sleep today and she still woke up after 30 minutes, so that's why I had to do PU/PD.  She never did fall back asleep and it was feeding time, so I took her out and fed her.  I waited 45 minutes after the feed and put her back down before she was super overtired.  Sometimes during PU/PD she will stop her hysteria for a moment and smile at me and try to play.  I keep telling her to go to sleep and do PU/PD if she cries.  She really fights me when I PU, so should I keep trying?  Any suggestions???  I am so so so so so so so so so so so so so so frustrated and I'm trying VERY hard to do what the book says.  PLEASE help!

Offline Isabellasmama

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« Reply #1 on: March 29, 2006, 20:38:20 pm »
THANK YOU!  She is 7 months.  I have tried to do her routine as the book suggests, but she is spirited and doesn't do anything unless she WANTS to.  Here goes:

She wakes up around 6:15-6:30am
BF right away
Solids at 7:00-7:30
Put her down for nap 9:00 (PU/PD)
BF at 11:00am
Solids at noon or 12:30
Nap at 2:00pm
BF at 4:00pm
Solids at 5:30
Sleep for the night at 7:30

Isabella rarely breastfeeds a whole meal during the scheduled time (she is too busy looking around or whatever).  So I feed her what she'll eat, then try again in a 1/2 hour or so.  Thanks so much for your help!

Offline Isabellasmama

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« Reply #2 on: March 29, 2006, 21:10:41 pm »
Well, it's pretty hard to tell if she's tired or not - that is, until she is rubbing her eyes.  She is so high-energy and is revved-up even when she is tired.  But, I do think she is tired around 9:00am . . . but I can give it a try tomorrow to do what you suggested and put her down at 9:30 instead.  She only sleeps for 1/2 hour, so is that enough until her 2:00pm nap? 

I'll give your 9:30 nap a try tomorrow and get back to you ASAP.  Another question:  she just woke up from her nap (around 30 min. again) and is laying in her crib content.  Should I leave her there until she cries?  (this is the nap in which I put her down earlier than usual (1:15pm) because she only slept 30min. her morning nap.  Thanks!!!

Offline Isabellasmama

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« Reply #3 on: March 31, 2006, 15:37:08 pm »
Hi - well, yesterday I tried what you suggested and here's what happened:

Went down for nap at 9:30am (instead of 9)
Woke up at 10:00am
A until 2:00pm (was grumpier than usual)
Slept until 3:30 (woke once but put herself to sleep)
A until 7:15pm (was grumpier than usual)
Woke up this moring at 6:00am (instead of 6:30am)

I think she was tired all day . . .she usually doesn't whine but she did several times yesterday.  She is 7 months and is only getting about about 13 hours of sleep a day . . . is that enough? 

How do I know when to push the nap longer (PU/PD) or if I should get her up?  She is so hard to read when she wakes up from naps because usually she is crying.  Does that mean she is tired and I should keep PU/PD to extend the nap?  I really appreciate your help and suggestions - I could use the support after 2 weeks of 1+plus PU/PD sessions!    :(  Thanks.