Author Topic: Nap issues with 6 week old DD  (Read 1138 times)

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Offline Crowdermom

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Nap issues with 6 week old DD
« on: March 31, 2006, 17:55:38 pm »

I have new to the forum but have been lurking for the last several days reading postings.  I happened upon Tracy's original book "Secrets of the Baby Whisperer" from several recommendations from the Amazon site.  Our precious DD is 6 weeks old and was fussy and irritable  and just generally unhappy most of the time.  We had almost given up and assumed that she is colicy until I read "Whisperer".  After that and visit to the doctor, who suspected that she has "silent reflux" and put her on Zantac, I'm coming to the conclusion that she is somewhere between a touchy and textbook baby and just needs a little help with ensuring that she gets enough good sleep. 

We have been trying to implement the EASY way for the last 5 days.  Yesterday, I hit an absolute low (as in she and I both sitting there crying) because she simply would not settle down for a nap of any length.  Of course, by the end of the day she had the "screaming mimi's" as we call them and it took forever to finally get her to sleep.  I really need some advice and also some encouragement that this will actually pay off for both her and me (and my poor family)!

The Eat part of EASY is going OK - she's bottle fed and takes a good amount with each feeding (about 4 - 5 oz). 

The Activity part is causing me a little concern - I can usually keep her entertained in one form or another for about 15 minutes.  I try to keep the activity low key - like laying on her back and looking at her "lines" card or maybe looking at her mobile in her swing (without swinging).  She seems Ok for about the 15 minute mark and then she starts to get fussy - but not really sleepy (at least no yawns), just fussy.  I suspect this is the "touchy" part of her personality - but not absolutely sure I'm reading the clues right.  Maybe she just doesn't need as much activity time?  I'm not sure.

Naps are what is really putting me over the edge.  Being less that 3 months, I gathered from the postings referring to Tracy's recommendations, that the PU/PD is modified for them.  What I am doing now is:

Start routine with first yawn which includes:

Swaddle (this is an issue unto itself - she's HATES the swaddle and fights it every time so far.  But if I don't do it, she wakes herself up flailing around  - I've had to put it under the category of "it's for your own good" and just calm her down with the next steps. 
Holding her while gently swaying and saying our Sleepytime phrase and then start with "sh"
At this point, she's usually crying - sometimes a little, sometimes a lot.  I continue with sway/"sh" until she calms down and starts to zone out and eyes go 1/2 mast
Lay her down gently - this usually starts her crying.
I stay with her and pat and "sh" until she drops off
Usually she bolts awake again about 3 - 5 minutes later, fighting the swaddle and wriggling around. 
I watch and then do pat/'sh" to calm her down again
May do this up to 4 times (at least today)
She finally drops off.

Not really using a paci - seems to make her more angry when she's upset. 

If she really goes ballistic after I put her down and the pat/sh isn't cutting it, I will pick her up just get her calmed down again.   

My question is this:  I am working under the assumption that I am supposed to be letting her cry without picking her up (overstimulating) but staying and pat/"sh"ing until she settles down - is that correct?

Next issue:  The dreaded 45 minute nap monster.  I've been trying to catch her before she wakes up at the 40 minute mark (with her, at least) and have had some success.  But usually she gets fully awake and I end up having to start the process all over again.  Is this helping (starting all over again) if it gets her  back to sleep?  or should I give up and let her fully wake up at the point that her eyes fully pop open?  Of course, I can't see where that helps anything so far as helping her get past this, so I am assuming getting her back to sleep from a 40 minute wake up is better than getting her up and having her major cranky, right?

How long does it usually take to start seeing results from this stuff in your experience?  I know it's different with each baby, but it would really help me to know that there is an end to the process at which you get the "goody" (meaning a better rested baby and a less frantic mama)?  I'm hoping the fact that my dd is only 6 weeks old will help - we didn't have so much time to do the damage with accidental parenting   ::)

Just let me say that I am so grateful you guys are out there and willing to help your fellow moms with this!!!!

Offline Crowdermom

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Re: Nap issues with 6 week old DD
« Reply #1 on: April 02, 2006, 01:56:00 am »
Thanks, Stacy for the insight.  I'm afraid we had a really bad day today - I am sooo discouraged.  I couldn't get her back to sleep for her morning nap or her mid day.  She did sleep 2 hours for her mid afternoon nap but then was wired for the balance of the evening.  Finally had to just give her a bath (fussy the whole time) and then give her a bottle and hope that she would settle down.  She fell asleep during the bottle despite my best efforts (singing "Battle Hymn of the Republic" in a fairly loud voice ::) and I tried to wake her up before putting her down, but it just wasn't going to happen. 

I do have another question for you:  Is it normal for them to hate the swaddle so much?  I mean, she is already screaming at the point that I put into the swaddle.  Problem is, I've tried to let her go without it (or at least just the bottom half) and she wakes herself up. 

Also, is it really normal for them to be so upset when you put them down for the pat/shhinng?  I mean, she went at it this evening hammer and tongs (when I was trying to put her down for at least a short nap before her bath - ha!) - I think they could hear her in the house next door.   ::).  I was doing some pretty loud shhhinnng to get her attention but it just wasn't working.  I don't know if she was just too wired to even wind down and nothing was going to work at that point or what.  That's the way it's been for most of today every time she tried to take her nap except for that afternoon one.  My husband is getting upset because he claims I am letting "her cry it out" - which I guess in a way I am  - just giving her support during the bouts.   I guess I just am trying to figure out if this is normal during the implementation phase and she will come round if I stick with it or am I doing something wrong here? 

Sorry to ramble - I'm really tired and my mind isn't real clear at the moment.   

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Re: Nap issues with 6 week old DD
« Reply #2 on: April 04, 2006, 15:09:37 pm »
don't know if it may help you but I found my 6 wk old did not respond too well to the shh-ing and read on one of these boards that someone was hmmm-ing and patting to calm their lo.  Tried this with my babe and it has worked wonders the last few nights!
Am now struggling myself with him waking after only an hours nap during the day and being tired only 45 mins from waking... am hoping it's because of a growth spurt as this has only started this week and he is such a good sleeper otherwise!  :D
'you've got to take all you have and pour and pour...'

Offline Crowdermom

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Re: Nap issues with 6 week old DD
« Reply #3 on: April 13, 2006, 18:41:17 pm »
thanks, Louise!  By the way - our babies share a birthday!  My Amelia was born on 2/17 also! 

We had a little set back with our schedule being completely thrown off last week due to some personal things.  So I am basically starting over again, I think.  Started back at it this AM with more support from my husband this time.  It's amazing what a turn around he did once HE had to deal with her for an afternoon and evening trying to get her to sleep   ::)  Not that he hasn't been supportive over all so far - he's a great dad and has been sharing the middle of the night feedings and everything.  I shouldn't complain...but he and I were sorta at odds over how to handle her napping situation. 

Regards soothing techiques:  I discovered that my lo does not like the patting part of the pat/sh.  It's is overstimulating her, I think.  So I tried this Am with just putting my hand on her chest (she hates being on her side) and doing the shhhh and it seemed to work.  She only took 30 minutes to settle down - which considering she's just really starting back with this, is good.  I was especially pleased that I was able to get her back to sleep with her afternoon nap - she managed to wake up and I put my hand on her chest along with the shhhh and she went back off again. And she only took about 10 minutes to sooth into sleep.  So she is actually getting a decent nap in.  Yeah!!!!  But I know this is only one victory on a long road.   But it helps!!!

Thanks everyone!