Author Topic: 10 month old is all over the place all the sudden  (Read 2578 times)

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10 month old is all over the place all the sudden
« on: April 03, 2006, 12:45:18 pm »
My 10 month old used to wake at 6ish and take 2 naps 9:15 and 2 ranging from about 40 min to 1.5 each.

just lately she has been screaming at night fighting going down. this is not like her. she used to go to sleep so easily. now she cries for 45 min at night ans sometimes at naps too.

she has bottles every 4 hours and solids in between.
she is drooling crazy and chewing on her bottle nipple and pacifier so not sure if it is teething.
but what is happening is she is not falling asleep until 7:40pm and sleeps until 7am. that is late for her and is now throwing off her nap times for the day.

why is she crying so much at night??? she just learned how to stand too.

should I let her sleep in the morning or wake her? I just do not want to limit her sleep she needs it.

now she is going to want a nap at 10:30 ish and will her pm nap be too late thus making another fight at bedtime??  I am lost here. please help. dreading bedtime now.  :-[

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Re: 10 month old is all over the place all the sudden
« Reply #1 on: April 03, 2006, 13:17:51 pm »
Sounds like it may be largely a developmental issue - you say she just learned to stand (congratulations!) - is she close to curisnig and walking? This can really throw off naps and night sleep for a little while. I'd be sure to give her TONS of practice during A times to help with that.

Also, does sound like she's teething. Have you tried Hylands teething tablets of even chamomila for teething? Maybe try one of those half an hour before bedtime and see if it helps settle her?

Also, what time does her second nap end? If it starts at 2pm and is only 40 minutes, might she be overtired?

I would wake her by 7am and then try for a nap at 10:15 or 10:30. Limit that nap to one hour and then shoot for second nap from 2:30/2:45-4 and then try for bedtime at 7:15/7:30.
Karen: Proud Mama to Marisa (8-11-05) and Matthew (6-5-09) and happily married to my best friend and love of my life since 10-13-01

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Re: 10 month old is all over the place all the sudden
« Reply #2 on: April 03, 2006, 14:08:09 pm »
it is weird, she did this once before and I think it was around crawling time. he fought her naps and night time sleep. what I did then is stuck to her normal nap time and bedtimes and put her down for a nap and she would try to avoid going down and then would put herself to sleep after all. if she cries I sit in her room so I do not abandon her if she is wining I leave her and re check her. I did thgis again today and she fell asleep on her own. that is improvement. I think I have been watching her for signs instead of the clock and she has been overtired and when she falls asleeep it is at the wrong times. thus throwing her off.

I am sure it is deveolpmental, but I think I have to try and have her stick to her scheduled naps. I remember she did this before so I think it is the same thing. It will probably take a week or more, but we'll get there. even if her naps are short, I would rather them be at the correct times insteda of all over the place.

how do you give a baby chamomile> and what is that other thing you mentioned for teething? I was doing tylenol.

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Re: 10 month old is all over the place all the sudden
« Reply #3 on: April 03, 2006, 14:34:34 pm »
Sounds like a plan - just make sure that she doesn't need slightly longer A times as well - after all, she is older now too!

I don't use chamomila so I can't advise but I know others do - maybe post something in the health and medical section? As for the other - I mentioned Hyland's Teething Tabletss, which are a homeopathic remedy for teething that we love here - seem to really take the edge off the pain and settle DD. Motrin also works much better for us than Tylenol when needed.
Karen: Proud Mama to Marisa (8-11-05) and Matthew (6-5-09) and happily married to my best friend and love of my life since 10-13-01

Offline allyson

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Re: 10 month old is all over the place all the sudden
« Reply #4 on: April 03, 2006, 20:24:25 pm »
well we have had quite the day. she cried for about 30 min in the mroning nap and fell asleep for about 1.5 hours got up at 11:15 and  I went to put her down for an afternoon nap and she cried from 2:30-3:30 straight. with me there of course. I would lay ehr back down and try and sooth her and she would get up again. then after an hour I did not want her to go to sleep then because she would never go to bed tonight and she is awake for the day.

wow she is amazing. she'll be up for a long time. I read to do this in Tracy's book and Healthy sleep Habits book. to keep them up until their next sleep cycle time. and just move it up a bit. otherwise her whole pattern will stay messed up.

Last night she slept from 7:40-7am and then took her 1.5 hour nap this morning. so she got 13 hours of sleep total which is not so bad. ugg she is driving me crazy. I am sure tonight will be a battle. just hope this being awake for so long does not cause night wakings. hope this passes.


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Re: 10 month old is all over the place all the sudden
« Reply #5 on: April 03, 2006, 22:48:02 pm »
I know you don't want to change her nap times but I really would try to extend her A time by 15 minutes in the morning and limit her nap to one hour - maybe then she'll take a good afternoon nap for you!

I would also make her bedtime a bit earlier tonight. If it's normally 7:40 pm - I'd suggest 7pm tonight since she missed the nap completely.
Karen: Proud Mama to Marisa (8-11-05) and Matthew (6-5-09) and happily married to my best friend and love of my life since 10-13-01

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Re: 10 month old is all over the place all the sudden
« Reply #6 on: April 03, 2006, 23:26:42 pm »
How about age similarities!!! I just posted a few messages about the same thing!!!
She is driving me crazy at her naps. She is sleeping 2o to 30 minutes morning and afternoon so I put her to bed at 6:50 and sleeps until 7:30.  Her naps are a total mess and she cries when I put her to nap. I have tried extending A time, shortening, more tummy time, everything and still the same. So I would wait until she can crawl and pull up as she is trying now and then again working on naps. She is going on her nap 15 minutes more of her usual nap time so I set a new nap hour, she wakes up so we play and then again at her afternoon nap. So at 6:30 she is ready for her bath and bed.
Soo... I guess we have to stick with it as she has a very strong temperament...  ;D
Hang in there!!! Just like I should!

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Re: 10 month old is all over the place all the sudden
« Reply #7 on: April 04, 2006, 01:25:22 am »
well I had no choice but to put her down very early tonight beleive it or not 6 pm was her bedtime today... She was up from 11:15 am so this was a streach. she went right to sleep and woke to eat at 7 and back to sleep. it may back fire on me tonight but I had no choice and did not want to risk her getting very overtired and add this all to the mix.

I think the problem is she is all shifted because we came home from Florida a week and a halhp ago and then my husband had surgery and my mom watched her. she battled my mom for naps and so my mom kept her up until she showed tired signs. thus going down very overtired and at the wrong times. it pushed everything later her naps bedtime and awake time and she is all off. before she would wake at 6am
nap at 9:15am
nap at 2pm

and lately
wake at 7:15
nap 10:30
nap 3:30-4
bedtime 7:45-8    (I do not like these times too late on everything)

now everything is later and her later day nap is interfearing with her bedtime. I have to tweek her and to be honest I don't care if she gets up early tomorrow because we have to get back on track.

I have been adjusting her A time by extending her 15 minutes and it has worked. good advice.

I hope I can get her there. wish me luck... :-\

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Re: 10 month old is all over the place all the sudden
« Reply #8 on: April 04, 2006, 11:22:17 am »
Good luck Allyson - keep us posted and let us know how it goes. Like you said, maybe wake her a bit early if you want to get her back on track with an earlier routine?
Karen: Proud Mama to Marisa (8-11-05) and Matthew (6-5-09) and happily married to my best friend and love of my life since 10-13-01

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Re: 10 month old is all over the place all the sudden
« Reply #9 on: April 05, 2006, 16:53:05 pm »
ok so she is doing better for naps. I had to wake her yesterday and today at 6:30 and 6:40 am to start the day because I wanted her naps to be on time. her first nap today was 9:40 and lasted an hour.

her second will be at 2ish.

the only battle is still at night. last night she cried for one hour straight again. every night she is doing this. I usually bring ehr up at 6:30 and give her a bottle and read to her and then bed at 6:45-7ish. she is crying until 7:30-8pm.

she sleeps through and does not wake at night.

she is standing a lot whick she learned in the last week and a half.

she was up from her second nap at 3 yesterday and brough up at 6:30 pm.

what should I do? why is she doing this?? it is lijke she is having a tough time setteling or just not tired yet. should I extend it 15 minutes tonight?? what does this sound like?? maybe she is ready for a later bedtime. she has been fighting bedtime for over a week now so something is up. her naps are fine.  ???

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Re: 10 month old is all over the place all the sudden
« Reply #10 on: April 05, 2006, 17:12:48 pm »
She sounds overtired to me. Two naps of only one hour each may not be enough. Can you extend the second nap to 1.5? If she's waking from the first nap at 10:40, I'd make the second nap no earlier than 2:10 and see if you can get it to go until 3:40 and then shoot for 7 or 7:15 bedtime?

You say she just learned to stand -so that could definitely be interfering too. Maybe try a nice massage at night as part of your bedtime routine to help relax her muscles?
Karen: Proud Mama to Marisa (8-11-05) and Matthew (6-5-09) and happily married to my best friend and love of my life since 10-13-01

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Re: 10 month old is all over the place all the sudden
« Reply #11 on: April 05, 2006, 18:40:12 pm »
I am not very successful at extending her naps. this morning she took a one hour nap and this afternoon was 40 minutes. I try to re soothe her and she will not go back to sleep. she is not the typical baby htat ever needed as much sleep as this board mentions. she is very active like her dad. and he does not require a lot of sleep.

I'll try and watch ehr cues and see how she does today. she yawned at 1:30 and I put her down at 1:40pm today a bit earlier than the normal 2pm. she was tired. now she is up at 2:20 pm. and that is why I usually put her down early for bed. because her morning nap is usually her best. and she usually sleeps her big chunk of sleep at night.

I'll try the massage tonight. and maybe tylenol. I can only do so much to get her back to sleep for naps. she is crying now. so I am re-checking her and re-soothing her in her crib. I did not do wake to sleep today to see what she would do on her own. I am so sick of hearing this girl cry so much. it gets so hard after a while to listen to.

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Re: 10 month old is all over the place all the sudden
« Reply #12 on: April 05, 2006, 19:43:42 pm »
My daughter is VERY active too - and some think that she needs less sleep - but in fact the opposite is the case. It just took us a long time to find the right mix of nap lengths, A times, etc. It really does sound like she's overtired to me come late afternoon/evening - maybe try to delay the first nap so it starts later and only let her sleep 45 minutes even - then maybe you can get a longer afternoon nap and see if one week of that helps cut down on the bedtime battles? Stacy is right - so much is happening at this age and it's tough!

BTW - my DD often yawns much before she's actually ready to nap. What happens if you change activity when she yawns? Or go for a walk? I find my DD yawns not only when tired, but also when bored. Her real sleep signs seem to be ear rubbing and fussing.
Karen: Proud Mama to Marisa (8-11-05) and Matthew (6-5-09) and happily married to my best friend and love of my life since 10-13-01

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Re: 10 month old is all over the place all the sudden
« Reply #13 on: April 05, 2006, 19:57:13 pm »
thanks for the advice. It all started when we came back from vacation. I do not want to get into bad habits either so I just have to hang inthere. I am going for a massage tonight so it is up to the husband do do it tonight ;D

she is usually sleeping 11.5-12 hours at night and napping 45 min to 1 hour 2*'s a day so she is getting a good amount of sleep. I have reallly looked at her schedule and even taken logs. This morning my mom watched her and  let her sleep and that is probably why she took a shorer pm nap. I usually wake her and she takes a longer pm nap.

I really think it is deveolpmental or teething, because she has never done this at bedtime and she is sleeping the same amount. oh well we will see. I'll let you know how it goes. thanks

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Re: 10 month old is all over the place all the sudden
« Reply #14 on: April 05, 2006, 20:06:58 pm »
She's definitely getting a good amount of sleep total. The reason I say overtired is that she is getting so much sleep overnight and in the morning that she has used up her "sleep quota" by the afternoon and just doesn't have room for a longer nap, even though she technically needs one to make it to bedtime. I might try limiting her to no more than 11.5 overnight and 1 in the morning - hence she might still have it in her to take a 1.5 pm nap.

Enjoy the massage!
Karen: Proud Mama to Marisa (8-11-05) and Matthew (6-5-09) and happily married to my best friend and love of my life since 10-13-01