Author Topic: 10 month old waking at night?????????  (Read 1174 times)

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Offline briansprincess

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10 month old waking at night?????????
« on: April 04, 2006, 13:40:29 pm »
Hi I was wondering someone could give any suggestion on why my DS is waking at night.  He is not waking up at the same time every night so i don't think that it is a habit.  He did this about a month and a half ago and i just made his a wake time longer durning the day and that seem to work and then everything went back to normal and he slept all night.  When he wakes I leave him to see if he will settle on his own, most of the time I have to go in and he is always sitting up. I lay him back down and give him his blanket and cover him back up and he goes back to sleep right away. I do not pick him up.  This just started on friday.  So im not sure if hes getting more teeth in or because hes more moblie.  Im just looking for any suggestion on this so any help will be great. 

Here is what his Easy routine looks like most days

8:00 - Wake get changed
8:15 - Breakfest Ceral yogurt and fruit and then a sippy of mik that he will drink from until his nap
the rest of the time is spent as activity time
10:45 - nap 1 1/2 hrs most times
12:15 - wake and change
12:30 - lunch veggies and fruit and some kind of finger food and then a sippy of milk. then the rest of the time is activity time.
2:45 - nap 1 15 min most days
4:00 - wake and change
4:30 - 5:00 dinner protien, veggie, fruit, ceral
Activity time after dinner
7:00 - bath and bed time routine and 8oz of milk
7:30 - in bed and a sleep

Thanks for any help.


Offline teezee

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Re: 10 month old waking at night?????????
« Reply #1 on: April 05, 2006, 03:21:23 am »
your routine seems ok - does lo need more milk during the day?? it could very well just be developmental/milestones that are causing the wakings as well.

my lo isn't too much younger than yours, and the only thing aside from that i could possibly suggest is to maybe cut the naptimes down a little? my lo is currently taking 2.5hrs naps/day total, if it's even 15 min more she will be up and down all night. hth!
Mommy to Alecksandria
June 11, 2005

Offline briansprincess

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Re: 10 month old waking at night?????????
« Reply #2 on: April 05, 2006, 19:06:02 pm »
Thanks for the reply.  I have tried giving more milk durning the day but he will not drink it.  Do you think change to sippy cups last week has something to do with it?  Now he has just started pulling himself up so that could be it.  I will also try cutting his naps down to make it 2.5 hr total and see if that works.  Thanks for the suggestion.


Offline teezee

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Re: 10 month old waking at night?????????
« Reply #3 on: April 05, 2006, 19:12:55 pm »
hi crystal:

from what i am understanding your lo isn't eating at all when there are night wakings??

as far as changing to a sippy - i couldn't really tell you for sure - have you tried using a straw cup for your lo? i know my lo just takes water from her sippy and straw cup and she takes much more with the straw imo.

Mommy to Alecksandria
June 11, 2005