i did co - sleep but stopped when the wakings were getting unbearable too...dd would also need to nurse to settle again..grrr....i think just the fact that the boob is so close is enough reason for them to wakei suppose.
you may want to shorten morning A time by 15 min to a half an hour - maybe try 15 min for a few days and see if that helps at all and if not try to shorten it some more. A time in the morning should be the shortest A time of the day, and if i remember correctly my lo had an a.m A time of about 1.5-1.75hrs at that age. also, i think that 9pm is too late of a bedtime...8pm is better...so maybe the catnap try at 5 or 5:30?? i would say that at that age a recommended A time would be 1.75ish for the am, 2ish for the pm, and maybe a little longer than 2 after the catnap but i wouldn't exceed those times by too much as you don't want lo to be overtired, which may also be the reason lo won't nap longer than 45 min or so as he can't make it through the sleep cycle on his own (probably jolting b/c he is overtired...)
i def think that you need to get lo on a 4 hr routine! it will help lo be able to go longer periods without eating and lo will take bigger feedings when it is time to nurse. i would start by stretching out feeding times 15 min at a time or so or as much as lo will handle until you get to 4 hrs.
once you have lo feeding every four hrs see if that changes anything with the night wakings..if not i have a few links for you to look over, but definately get the daytime feeding sorted out first or else it just wouldn't be fair to lo as he is used to eating the way that he is now - short intervals during the day, and also feeding at night.
lo is getting into a very bad habit by nursing to sleep as he will always expect to nurse to sleep when he has a night waking. i found it very difficult to wean the night feedings co sleeping with my lo, and it was at 6 months i started weaning the night feeds, and also getting lo into her crib..i started with the crib for naps as it was easier to start the weaning process co-sleeping and once the naps were ok in the crib, i did the nights - some would suggest to do all at once so not to confuse lo, but a slower process worked for us...kind of like weaning to the crib kwim?
ok - A time = Activity Time just to be sure that is clear.
also what helped my lo stay in her crib happily was an old shirt i was wearing and through a moment of desperation to get her to sleep (as of course with co sleeping she wanted to be close to me
) i gave her my shirt with my scent all over it - she still sleeps with the shirt to this day and a nice soft bear.
to get lo into the crib when you have gone to a longer feeding routine...i had to use pu/pd as shh/pat was too stimulating at this age. if you go to the pu/pd board there is tons of great advice there...you could also pm me when you need to and i can give you some pointers on how it worked for us - i wouldn't mind at all
ok - here are the two links the first one is about night weaning:
https://babywhispererforums.com/index.php?topic=46907.0the second is called gentle removal:
https://babywhispererforums.com/index.php?topic=52857.0i know this is alot of info - but there are alot of things that i see that could be improved to help lo sleep better. hth. if you need any further support or have any questions pls don't hesitate and let me know. like i said, start with the feedings, and take everything slow enough for lo to adjust - it may be a long process but i am here if u need me as are many others - it will all be worth it in the end! good luck and keep me posted