Author Topic: 1 year old not sleeping  (Read 3532 times)

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Offline jenniferkw

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1 year old not sleeping
« on: April 06, 2006, 03:36:41 am »
Help!  My one year old has yet to sleep through the night or for more than 6 hours at a time for that matter.  I have ruled out teething, an illness, hunger and pretty much everything else.  He wakes up crying and unless I respond it progresses to screams with crying.  I have tried letting him cry(got to three hours with no end in sight), I've tried laying him back down and patting him but he never really calms down enough to fall back asleep and as soon as I stop patting him the crying/screaming starts all over again.  I'm not sure what else to try.  I don't like the idea of letting him "cry it out" mostly because I know he would just cry all night.  He is still breastfed and yes, I do feed him to sleep.  I try to get him in the crib before his eyes close but he generally falls asleep very quickly.  I don't even know if I could get him to fall alseep without the boob, I've tried.  Any suggestions??????


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Re: 1 year old not sleeping
« Reply #1 on: April 06, 2006, 03:38:59 am »
ok, i don't have time to reply now, but are you the same jennifer i talked to in the chat room??  if so, i promise i will get back to you tomorrow!!

Offline jenniferkw

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Re: 1 year old not sleeping
« Reply #2 on: April 06, 2006, 04:53:47 am »
Yep, the same one.


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Re: 1 year old not sleeping
« Reply #3 on: April 06, 2006, 05:01:11 am »
hi jennifer...

ok, dd is in bed now, so i have a few minutes to post.  i didn't want to forget about you!!  is there any way you can post your son's daily routine?  when did he turn one?  does he fall asleep for naps without breastfeeding?  i'm not trying to be nosy, just trying to get some info so i can give some suggestions.  anyhoo, i am going to bed now as it is late in california, but will check back in with you tomorrow.

also, if you haven't already, you may want to check these boards for other posts similar to yours and see if anyone has gotten any useful advice that you can use too. 

btw, which book of tracy's did you read?

Offline jenniferkw

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Re: 1 year old not sleeping
« Reply #4 on: April 06, 2006, 05:27:52 am »
My son turned one on April 1st (no joking).  His routine is somewhat varies due to my husbands and my work schedule but generally it's like this:

wake up between 7:00-8:00
Eat breakfast and breastfeed
If with dad get's a nap around 9:30/10:00-short nap, 20-30 minutes
If with mom or grandma, keeps playing and has a snack closer to 10:30
Plays some more
Takes afternoon nap around 12:30/1:00-for mom it's about 45 minutes, for other's closer to an hour or hour and a half.
when wakes, he eat's lunch and breastfeed's and then plays for the rest of the day and has a snack or two.
around 5:00 he get's tired and honestly I'm not sure if I should let him sleep but sometimes he takes a little 20 minute snoozer
6:00 eats dinner
8:30 gets a bath
plays until bedtime which is around 9:00/9:30.  He also get's some baby cereal before going to bed.
Up at 12:30, 1:30, 3:30, 4:30 and/or 5:30 depending upon the night.

I do nurse him to sleep at night, generally during the day I can hold him on the couch and watch t.v. and he'll fall asleep (that's how the rest of the family gets him to sleep).

I've tried nursing him and then rousing him but when I go to GENTLY rouse him before placing him in his crib his eye's pop open like a jack-in-the-box and he starts crying.  I've tried letting him cry for a few minutes to settle himself in but about 97% of the time he gets all worked up and then starts standing up in the crib.

He will sleep for about 3 hours and then is up every two hours thereafter.  Usually by 4:00 or 5:00 I'm exhausted and I end up bringing him to bed with me where I nurse him until he falls asleep and then I make a bee-line for the other side of the bed.  He'll usually sleep another 3 hours or so.

I realize I've pretty much done all the no-no's when it comes to getting him to sleep at night, letting him nurse to sleep, responding to his cries, etc.


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Re: 1 year old not sleeping
« Reply #5 on: April 06, 2006, 15:18:39 pm »
I realize I've pretty much done all the no-no's when it comes to getting him to sleep at night, letting him nurse to sleep, responding to his cries, etc.

that's ok...that is how most of us ended up here too!!  :D  i rocked and breastfed my baby to sleep for the first few months just because i couldn't deal with how hard it was trying to get her to sleep on her own.

well from your post, it is pretty clear to me that the short naps and night wakings are due to the fact that he hasn't learned to fall asleep independently.  have you read any other books on infant sleep?  i would recomment good night, sleep tight, healthy sleep habits happy child and solve your child's sleep problems (not sure if that last title is exactly right, but it is the book by ferber).  i am not recommending that you use the methods suggested in those books because most of them advocate cry it out or controlled crying, but i read them all in an attempt to better understand infant sleep and they were very informative on that level.

not sure if you already know this, but with sleeping, there are cycles we go through.  we fall into a deep sleep first then when we are completing the sleep cycle (which for adults is about 1.5-2 hours i think), we briefly wake.  then we start another sleep cycle.  most of is do not remember these brief night wakings because we just roll over and go back to sleep.  but for your son, when he wakes up at the end of a sleep cycle, he does not know how to get himself back to sleep.  he is thinking "hey, where's that mom/dad/boob/etc that usually gets me to sleep?"  so then he starts crying.  (by the way, dr. ferber's book does a way better job at explaining that.)

in order to help him get to learn to sleep on his own, i think that it will take a few days of strong commitment on your part.  do you have tracy's book the baby whisperer solves all your problems?  i think that is the best one because she really details how to help the child learn to sleep by himself.  and she has sections for older babies like yours.  she doesn't use any techniques that require letting the baby cry it out.  if you choose to use her pick up/put down technique, there is a board here called "pick up/put down" where you can ask questions if you have any.

i would suspect that it will take a no more than a few days to get him to sleep by himself if you are consistent with the methods.  i would also think that his naps would lengthen a bit too.  you would be the best judge of this, but from the routine you posted, it seems like maybe he is overtired during the day as well because his naps are short.

wow, i can't imagine how tired you are.  i'm sorry.  i know it must be so hard.  let me know if this makes any sense to you and what other questions you have.

Offline jenniferkw

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Re: 1 year old not sleeping
« Reply #6 on: April 06, 2006, 20:27:42 pm »
You pretty much confirmed what I had been suspecting, that he ends his sleep cycle and doesn't know how to go to the next one with out waking up.  I too had thought that he was probably getting overly tired but I'm worried to let him sleep too much during the day. 

I will get a copy of the book you recommended. The book I have is Secrets of the Baby Whisperer.  In the meantime, do you have any advice on where I should start? 

Offline nataliebarlow

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Re: 1 year old not sleeping
« Reply #7 on: April 06, 2006, 21:35:21 pm »
hi, i have been browsing through some topics and my main opinion is that your child is definitely not getting enough sleep through the night, they should be getting upto 3 hours in the day and 12 hours at night, i would start by keeping your day time naps the same at present and bring his bedtime right forward, i have a 14 mth old who is currently waking at 2.30am everynight, and is taking a good 45 minutes to get him back down, but i do insist that he does it hiimself, if he gets up, i lay him back down, if he needs comforting i come down to his level and cuddle him rather than pick him up.  try bringing his bedtime forward by 45mins to an hour each night until his bedtime is around somewhere between 6.30pm and 7.30pm.  mine goes to bed everynight between 7.30 and 8pm and i am going to try bringing this forward to 7pm and maybe even 6.30pm, try this to see if his sleep periods become longer, as hard as it is you have to try not to give in every time he wakes, justs keep comforting and placing him back down, probably better at night if another member of your family can do it as he will keep associating you with food.  if you can get the night time better he shouldn't need as much through the day.  see how this starts you off if you want to try it that is!  look through the other postings about waking in the night.
natalie and luke


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Re: 1 year old not sleeping
« Reply #8 on: April 06, 2006, 22:14:39 pm »
my lo sleeps about 3 hours total during the day split between 2 naps.  then she usually sleeps 10-11 hours overnight.  so i don't think that you are letting your son sleep too much during the day.  if anything, it sounds like he may need a bit more sleep.  it seems counterintuitive, but the overtired child is harder to get to sleep and doesn't stay asleep as well.  (this is also talked a lot about in the healthy sleep habits happy child book.)  so his night wakings may also be partly due to being overtired.

as for where to start, if it were me, (and i am pretty much an all-or-nothing person), but i would just find a stretch of days that i could devote myself to sleep training him because i think that would be less confusing for him than if you just half heartedly tried to sometimes sleep train him.  does that make sense?  do you work full or part time?  maybe you can try on the weekend?  and i would definitley try to plan to do the sleep training when your husband or someone will be there to support you because it is really hard.  and i agree with the last poster that it may be easier if your husband does it at first so that your son will know dad isn't going to breastfeed him.  also it will be easier for you because you won't be tempted to breastfeed him.   but it is SOOO worth it, not only for you but for your son too. 

just do some reading and pick a method of sleep training that you feel is best.  then stick with it for several days everytime you get him to sleep and every time he wakes in the night.  most people see vast improvement in just 3-4 days.  i would just go about his normal routine when you are putting him down.  then breastfeed him, but not to sleep.  he will most likely cry when you put him down.  this is ok, it is part of the process of learning to fall asleep on his own.  he will be upset because he is tired, but doesn't know how to fall asleep.  but you will then help him with whatever method you choose.  sometimes it takes people hours to get them to sleep when they first start out sleep training, so you may want to start earlier than normal, just expecting it will take a long time.  but then it takes shorter and shorter amounts of time to get them to sleep as they get more comfortable with it. 

if you don't already, maybe you can get him a lovey.  we gave my dd a small soft cloth to sleep with.  at first, she didn't care about it at all.  but now, as soon as she sees her beloved "baba" she knows it is time to go to sleep.  she finds it very comforting. 

does this sound like something you would try?

Offline jenniferkw

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Re: 1 year old not sleeping
« Reply #9 on: April 07, 2006, 18:01:31 pm »
I am going to try some form of sleep training.  I guess I'm not sure where to begin or what method to use.  The last two nights I tried just laying him back down and patting him back to sleep, which worked the first night although I did feed him for one of the wakings because he wouldn't eat that evening and I figured that he was hungry.  He slept 5 hours the first night, woke up, nursed, had some difficulty getting back to sleep, I ended up having to lay him down just three times and patting back to sleep, once he fell back to sleep he slept for another 2-1/2 hours and once he woke up after that I just brought him to my bed because I had to get ready for work so often times I'll nurse him in my bed, he'll fall asleep and then I can shower and get ready for work and still keep an eye on him because he usually wakes back up when I'm in the shower.  Last night was pretty similar to the night before however now my son is running a 102.9 temperature and won't eat so when he woke up last night (twice) I did nurse him just because I'm sure he was quite thirsty from his fever but both times when I layed him down he got back up and I just layed him down and patted him until he fell asleep.  So I think I'm somewhat starting to train him?  Maybe?  I'm not sure?   ???  I like the idea of just laying him down and comforting him back to sleep, that method seems "right" to me but will he just get used to that "prop" and still wake up and need someone to go in and comfort him?  I would hate to be trading one prop (nursing) for another (patting back to sleep).  I've tried having my husband do the patting/laying down but he's not very good at it and I just lay in bed listing to my son cry so I figure since I'm awake I might as well just deal with him, besides due to my husbands work schedule (firefighter) he's not home every night anyway.  Any suggestions/idea's based on what I've been doing?


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Re: 1 year old not sleeping
« Reply #10 on: April 07, 2006, 18:16:05 pm »
sorry to hear your lo is sick!   :(  i hope he feels better soon.  if it were me, i don't think i would try any sort of sleep training while he is feeling bad.  when gianna is feeling bad, all the "rules" go out the window for a few days.

i think that what you are doing sounds good.  and if it feels "right" to you, then go for it.  i would just make sure to be consistent.  like if you decide no more night feedings and you are just going to pat him back to sleep, then stick with it.  otherwise he might get confused as to why sometimes you will feed him and other times you won't.  does that make sense? 

also, in tracy's books, she does encourage you to help your child get to sleep, never to let him just cry.  so if the patting is helping him, then that is wonderful.  she does say though to make sure you don't comfort the child beyond what is needed.  for example, if you pat him and he quiets down, don't continue patting him for a long time.  just give him what he needs to settle, then stop.  that way, it shouldn't become a "prop".  you are helping him calm down, but not fully patting him to sleep.  i think that you are beginning to help him learn to sleep without having to suck on something or be held to sleep, so you are on the right track.  it won't happen overnight.  baby steps, right?   ;)

let us know how it goes or if you have more questions.

Offline jenniferkw

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Re: 1 year old not sleeping
« Reply #11 on: April 07, 2006, 18:47:51 pm »
In addition, I should add that I agree he's not getting enough sleep during the day.  Yesterday he wouldn't go down for a nap, not sure if it was the fever or what.  He was exhausted by the time bed time rolled around.  I've thought of putting him to bed earlier and actually for the first 8 months if I tried to put him to bed before 10:30 he would just scream and cry and magically when the clock turned to 10:30 he would settle down and fall asleep.  Strange!  He's now going to bed about an hour to an hour and a half earlier (9:00-9:30).  I'm going to try and start cutting a half hour off that.  I would like him in bed by 8:30 at the latest.  7:30 just seems so early, plus I would rather him sleep later in the a.m.  I'm not a morning person!   :D

Offline jenniferkw

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Re: 1 year old not sleeping
« Reply #12 on: April 07, 2006, 18:54:10 pm »
I do have a question.  If he's not totally asleep when I stop patting him he immediatley wakes back up and cries and tries to stand up.  What do I do then?  I really don't want him to rely on the patting to get to sleep.  Also, what do I do when he's just getting more and more upset instead of calming down?  There are times when it seems as though the more I try to comfort him with patting and such the more he gets upset and then I do end up nursing him just to get him back to sleep.

Oddly he's been sleeping better since he's been sick.


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Re: 1 year old not sleeping
« Reply #13 on: April 07, 2006, 19:24:27 pm »
on the nap thing...maybe it would help if he had a consistent nap schedule.  i think in your first post you said that when he is with dad, he gets a morning nap, but with you he doesn't.  is there a reason for that?  do you have a naptime routine?  i think that it might help to set a certain time and do a certain routine before nap no matter who is watching him.  if he is sick though, that would probly throw off his naps anyway.  it does for my daughter anyway.

as for the bedtime, i don't think the exact time you put him down is the most important thing, as long is it is reasonably early and again at a consistent time with a beditme routine preceding it.  our daughter was going to bed at 8pm.  but last weekend we changed the clocks foward for daylight savings time.  so now she is going to bed at 9pm.  this may seem late to some people, but i think i like it better because now we can go out at night and not have to rush home.  also, i'm not a morning person either!  so she now sleeps in til 8/8:30 which is awesome in my book!  :)

about the patting thing, maybe since you are just starting out it would be ok to pat him til he is totally asleep.  at least you will be making progress in that you are cutting out the night feedings.  if he does well with that, and starts going back to sleep every time with just the patting, then maybe you can slowly start decreasing the amount of time you are patting him.  (baby steps!  ;) )

 my daughter is the highly spirited type, so i have found that on the rare occasion we do have night wakings, sometimes the patting angers her more than calms her.  on those times, i just lay her down and say "ok, it is time to go to sleep.  here is your baba (her little blankie).  mommy will stand outside your room for a minute."  then i wait outside her door for a bit.  sometimes she will let out a scream, then go right to sleep as if my presence was what was keeping her from sleeping.  she is easily stimulated, so i think sometimes when i try to comfort her, it actually makes it worse.  but then there are times if i stand outside her door, she freaks out more.  so in that case i go back in (because i am not advocating letting her cry it out!)  if she is totally freaking out, i have to admit that i don't always stick to the plan.   :-[  sometimes i pick her up and hold her til she goes back to sleep or at least calms down.  sometimes i will sing to her.  sometimes i will lay next to her crib and just talk softly to her til she goes to sleep.  it is just depends on the situation and how badly it is escalating.  but like i said, her night wakings are very rare.  however, if they were frequent, i think i would feel more obligated to stick to a "plan" just to get things in order.  but that's just me.

maybe you can just set a goal of no more night feedings.  then that will give you a little more freedom in terms of comforting him at night when he wakes.  then when you feel he is doing well without eating at night, you can move onto being a little stricter with how long you comfort, pat or whatever.  by the way, i'm not trying to tell you what to do, i'm just sort of throwing out examples and speaking hypothetically.  i hope that's ok!

Offline jenniferkw

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Re: 1 year old not sleeping
« Reply #14 on: April 07, 2006, 19:54:48 pm »
Thank you sooo much for the suggestions!   ;D  I am not an advocate of letting him cry it out either.  Since today is Friday I think I'll try to eliminate the night feedings that way I'll have the rest of the weekend to work on it and catch up on my sleep. 

As for the naps; Ethan doesn't usually get a morning nap when he's with me because usually he's slept-in with me in my bed.  So he doesn't usually have a problem with waiting until 12:30ish until nap time.  When he's with his dad it's usually because he's gotten up early (7:00) and is ready for a nap at 9:30 or 10:00.  Aside from that his nap schedule is fairly consistant-always naps around 12:30 and then usually a little cat-nap around 5:00.  If I go to town (I live 10 miles from town) then he might get a 20 or 30 minute nap in the car, but that isn't that often.  I try to plan car rides after nap times when he's awake.  I suppose I should try to fit another nap in there somewhere since obviously he isn't sleeping much during the day-maybe 2 hrs max.

My son is also highly spirited but he also has alot of angel characteristics.  Smiles at everyone and everything, can be totted around everywhere, lets anyone hold him.  Is super easy-going, but at night he turns into a totally different baby!