i would def try the df earlier if not at 10:30 than not a minute after 11pm. tracy suggests it earlier b/c after 11pm is considered the 'night' and you don't want to interrupt 'night sleeping' kwim? and the df isn't necessarily to be looked at as a FULL feeding - i think that the amount of time between the last feed and the df even if df is at 10:30 will be just fine.
i would honestly try for a couple days to drop the catnap and see how putting her down to sleep at say 6:45 - 7ish works. give it a couple days to see what happens, and if you aren't a fan of the results you can switch back to the catnap. the first day w/o the catnap will be a little hard and that's why i suggest bedtime a bit earlier (for a few days at least) and then hopefully the naps will start to extend (and if not you could try wake to sleep, or pu/pd to extend them). i also think six is too late for a catnap if you opt not to forgo it. i think 5 or 5:15 should be the very latest it should occur at without having an impact on the night wakings.
when my lo was teething she does lose interest in milk feed...then sometimes she will nurse well but won't eat solids..i try not to let it frusterate me anymore as we have been through it now it feels like a million times! and i found the more frusterated i got the longer she would go without eating much...when i stopped stressing - she ate! amazing concept!!
anyway, how long have these feedings been low for? if it more than a week to two weeks i def wouldn't relate it to teething.
i am also posting a link about weaning the night feedings - i used it with my lo at 6 months as she was still feeding one to two times / night, and it took about a month and then a little bit of sleep training after that - but by 8 months she was completely sleeping through 11 hr nights! here is the link:
https://babywhispererforums.com/index.php?topic=46907.0if you have anymore quesitons pls let me know!!