My 4mth old refuses to spend playtime anywhere but on her tummy. She can roll from her back to her tummy and does so everytime you put her on the floor. She's pretty strong at lifting herself on her arms, although of course she gets frustrated trying to co-ordinate her hands and her toys and her mouth. So whats the problem? Aeroplaning. She is having major difficulties lifting her arms and head off the ground together, especially coming from a position of lying completely prone on the ground - getting her head off the ground without pushing up on her arms. She ends up screaming in frustration and in tears. I then turn her onto her back or put her in her chair at which point she screams even louder and tries to roll out of her chair or rolls straight over to her tummy and starts all over again. I do a lot of sitting with her sat on my lap and playing with her toys to distract her. She's also getting extremely frustrated trying to move forward, the poor thing is desperate to be mobile. I try to help her with her aeroplaning and moving forward and I cheer her on, but the frustration she's feeling is driving both of us crazy. I think she may be teething as well, just to add to the grumpyness.
Is anyone's elses baby experiencing frustrations at tummy time and refusing to stop spending as much time as possible on their tummy's?