Hi Tigercakemum
{{{hugs to you}}}
How much EBM does she usually take?
My friend asked me about this, her LO is exclusively BF and she wanted to go out for the night and she asked how many oz's her LO would take in the evening. What weight is your LO?
In short I told her to offer her LO a 3 or 4oz bottle of milk, however keep a spare one handy incase she took more. If your not bothered about wasting any then offer a bigger bottle (able to gage it more on how many oz you give already), she will only take how much she wants anyway and spit up any excess.
I advise you to keep a log for a while, if she starts waking more at night you know she isn't getting enough during the day.
As for your routine, I would start off on what she knows i.e. your current routine, however if you find she is NOT hungry when it comes to the next feed wait 15 mins and try again, if not try again after 15mins (4hr mark). Bottlefed babies can generally go longer, but I wouldn't really leave it any longer than 4 at the moment.
I notice that the DF is early as well, usually it is between 10 -11pm. I personally don't give DS water because he spits it back at me, I will leave you a link to an0ther thread so you can decide.
https://babywhispererforums.com/index.php?topic=48872.0HTH's Shout if you have more questions