Hi Jo
Couple of tiny minor things I have spotted that may help or reassure you.
Firstly, you are doing really well, DS always wanted to CF at night as well at 6 & 8pm, however he always took full feeds at both times.
After looking at your routine, it may possibly be better feeding at; 7,10,1,4,7 then df between 10-11pm
Secondly, try to establish a set wake up time and stick to it as much as possible. It would also be better if you could look to achieve just a 12hr day for your LO, I think bedtime is a bit late, however I remember from my early days the evens tend to run away from you a bit, between feeding and bathing and your own needs. But it is something to think about. I personally do a 7am to 7.30 / 8pm day now he is a bit older.
Your doing great, let me know what your think.