Can rolling over suddenly cause night wakings?
After a long 5 months of sleepless nights and napless days we finally got to the root of our son's problem - severe reflux and a twisted bowel which required surgery. Thankfully he recovered very quickly so we decided to try him again on a routine and found the EASY and PU/PD methods worked a treat - after 3 weeks he was sleeping 7:30 to 6/7 and 2 or 3 naps a day. But in the last week he has started to wake again at night - for a few nights just once at around 4 or 5 but last night he was waking every few hours and was difficult to settle. I'm not aware of changing anything but he has started to roll over and I wonder could this be the cause of the frequent wakings? Any solutions?
Our Routine:
7am - Nappy change; Breastfeed,Oatmeal, Top-up with bottle/cup if thirsty
8 - Play on activity mat
8:30 Story/wind down
9:00- 10:30 Nap
11:00 - Lunch (Fruit/Veg, rice and 8oz bottle)
11:30 - Play or walk
12:30 - 2 Nap
3:00- Bottle 8 oz
3:30- 4 Play
Between 4 and 5:30 May have a cat nap
5:30 Dinner (Fruit/Veg and cereal, 8 oz bottle)
6:30 Bath
7 Wind down including breastfeed.
Usually asleep by 7:30