Here's his routine
5-7am wake up / bottle of formula
8am breakfast, then play
10am-noon nap
12:30 lunch
1pm bottle of formula, then play
2:30 - 3pm nap
3:30pm snack
5:30pm supper
7pm bottle of formula / wind down for bed
8pm bed
3am wakes for nursing
This is approx what happens throughout the day. The last 2 weeks I have been weaning him from breastfeeding and I am down to 1 or two feedings in the night or early morning.
He has always woke up at night to eat but then goes right back to sleep. This night waking and playing has developed in the last week. 2 nights ago we put him to bed at 8pm and did the PU/PD for 1 1/2 hours, he was crying out of control so we then took him out of his crib, calmed him down, nursed him, set him back in his crib and he then played until 11pm. I finally got him to sleep by rubbing his back and settling him in his crib. I know we weren't consistent here but didn't know what to do. He is very happy throughout the day and plays well. I thought that he may not be getting enough sleep through the day, so he was trying to catch up on his sleep in the morning?
Can you advise me on what I should be doing?
Thank you so much!