HI there. Our Son is 5 months old. He is suffering from sleep deprivation. When he is rested he is the happiest most joyful baby. Many days he is cranky all day due to lack of sleep. He is on a 4/4 schedule. He is a big boy, and takes solids 3 times a day. I nurse in the morning and before bedtime. He has been sleeping through the night without eating since he was 4 months old. He struggles to make it through a sleep cycle for naps. Each nap is 40 minutes unless I soothe him back to sleep w/ shhh/pat (which is now shhh/hand on back), or even picking him up if necessary. This is beginning to work less and less. I seems that spend most every day,... with a fussy baby either, winding down for a nap, or trying to keep him down for a nap. When he sleeps I am SO happy I cry. Nights include at least 2 wakings a night. Usually requiring a quick flip over and a paci in the mouth. Recently, this has turned into a major deal though, with him looking hysterical and sobbing.... I don't know, its like he has figured out that I will pick him up and hold him. But many times its many more times than 2, generally when he doesn't nap well during the day. As many as 8 or so. I find myself to be anxious and exhausted around the issue of sleep because of this.
His schedule:
6:15 wake and nurse or bottle (8oz)
7:00 cereal and fruit
8:00 morning nap (at worse 30 minutes)
If this nap is short, he gets another in 2 hours. Otherwise he is unbearable. If it is long, we wait until 12.
11:00 bottle (8oz)
12:00 nap (short usually)
Same goes, if this is short, we get another nap in 2 hours later. Short is anything under 45 minutes.
3:00 bottle and solids (8oz, rice, veggies, fruit)
4:30 catnap
6:00 solids
6:45 nurse or bottle as part of bedtime routine/ bath/rock or bounce... sing and bed.
There is a paci, and he can roll both ways... although when he is upset, he will not roll himself back over.
My Pediatrician has said to let him cry. Of course we are not thrilled about that... and I can't seem to help him sleep better. What can I do? I just want him to be happy during the day, and I feel like this sleep thing is robbing us of a lot of joy. Robbing him of a lot of happy day time.