Author Topic: Wake to sleep success stories?  (Read 4879 times)

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Offline Christy P

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Re: Wake to sleep success stories?
« Reply #15 on: May 16, 2006, 14:18:10 pm »
I have a question about the wake to sleep as well. I have charted his nap and he stirs first 11 minutes and then again at 26 minutes. How close to the stirring do you want to do wake to sleep? 24 minutes? 22? This thread was really helpful to me. I had success one day but went in for the next nap at the same time and couldn't get him to wake up. I think I need to narrow down the timing better and any help would be appreciated.


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Re: Wake to sleep success stories?
« Reply #16 on: May 16, 2006, 15:33:28 pm »
I would say 22 minutes, but I don't know for sure b/c I think it's different for every LO!  I think as you keep doing W2S you'll see what time you're able to wake him but he doesn't wake completely up and extends his nap.  It seems like for naps, you have to catch them during the exact window for it to work.  If you did it once, you'll do it again so keep trying!  :)


Offline Christy P

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Re: Wake to sleep success stories?
« Reply #17 on: May 16, 2006, 16:13:37 pm »
How awake do I want him? I've tried rubbing him, pulling on his paci, stroking his head, patting-doesn't work. If I turn his fan on and off, that seems to do something. 2 times he opened his eyes, others, he just sighed and re-positioned. What am I going for?

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Re: Wake to sleep success stories?
« Reply #18 on: May 17, 2006, 01:29:45 am »
The 'sigh' and slight movement is the key for us!  :)


Offline EASYconfusedMom

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Re: Wake to sleep success stories?
« Reply #19 on: May 17, 2006, 01:45:49 am »
Often I found that what worked one nap didn't always work the next nap.  Not sure why, maybe they get used to certain stimulus and ignore it more easily.  My LO has ticklish feet, so a slight brush of the bottom of her foot was a pretty good bet.

When trying to determine if they have been stirred, watch their eyes.  I found that it worked even if DD just rolled her eyes under her lids.  Pushing for more than that would often wake her.  It was tough because she needs the room to be pretty dark!

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Re: Wake to sleep success stories?
« Reply #20 on: May 17, 2006, 12:46:25 pm »
Okay so I let dd go by herself the last three days and in the morning she is going 2hours - fantastic!  Then after lunch and in the afternoon she is still waking at 30mins...  Sometimes I can just pat/sh and she'll go back to sleep but sometimes I have to bring her out and start again.  The fact that she does eventually go back to sleep tells me she is still tired.

I have extended her to 3.5 hour EASY and find she is liking this much better.  I also found that I need to offer both breasts for feeds (I was only doing single sided feeding) and I think that some of this unsettled-ness was from not being satisfied.  I'm giving her formula for her DF and she slept thru from 11am to 5am last night for the first time ever -also great!

What are your thoughts on extending her awake times just a little longer still after her 2hour morning sleep and after lunch - might that get her to sleep past the 30mins?  Should I try W2S for those two naps and leave her in the morning since she seems to be ok?

The advice everyone has given here has been great and hope you all are having success too.

Offline Christy P

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Re: Wake to sleep success stories?
« Reply #21 on: May 17, 2006, 19:15:38 pm »
I've done wts for his naps for the last 3 days with little success. I got 1 1/2 hrs 1 time and 40 minutes twice. Other than that he has started waking at 25 minutes now instead of 30. What am I doing wrong??? I've played with the time. When I charted his stirrings it was around 26 minutes. So I tried going in at 19,20 & 21. Twice when I went in at 20 & 21 he was already awake. So, today I tried 16 & 17 minutes. No luck. Woke at 25 minutes. Ideas?

Offline Christy P

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Re: Wake to sleep success stories?
« Reply #22 on: May 18, 2006, 21:27:17 pm »

He's erratic w/ the pacifier. Sometimes he spits it out right away b4 he is even fully asleep. Others he keeps it in for the whole nap. I have not found that he wakes when he loses it. I just went in to wts and it was on his chest and he was out cold. I can't decide if it is an issue. He never even took one until I started sleep training. Ironic, huh? In training him to sleep I may have reinforced a prop! Another question. This last wts, I gently stroked his cheek which made him stir yesterday. This time, he jolted and threw his arm in the air, sighed, re-positioned and settled again. Never opened his eyes. Is this too much? If so, how do I avoid such a startle?

Offline EASYconfusedMom

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Re: Wake to sleep success stories?
« Reply #23 on: May 19, 2006, 18:00:46 pm »
I know what you mean about reinforcing the paci as prop.  DD used it for sleeping too, and though she doesn't wake when she looses it, I think she finds it hard to go back to sleep if she can't find it.  :-\  Now that she is older, she is better at finding it herself and putting it back in

FUNNY STORY: the other night, DH goes in to check on DD who is wailing.  She is sitting up in the crib and can't find her paci.  As soon as he puts it in her mouth, she slumps forward and falls back asleep, still somewhat sitting.  He said it was the most bizarre thing he has seen her do.  He called me in to look at her and to help him lie her back down.  I didn't want to risk the flash waking her up, but boy what a pic that would have been!  She has done that a few times now; fallen asleep in the oddest positions after putting the paci back in.

Sorry, I know this is off topic, but I thought those who are stressed from training might enjoy it.