Author Topic: She does good then she wakes up twice a night  (Read 776 times)

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Offline bellmaine

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She does good then she wakes up twice a night
« on: May 03, 2006, 19:02:51 pm »
Hello Everyone,

I was just wondering how I can get my dd to be more consistent with sleep.  For about a week she was going to bed at 7:00pm and 2 night s she sleep until 6:30am and the other nights she slept until abaout 4:00am and I fed her and she went right back  to sleep.  Last night she woke up twice and her naps have been terrible.  Could it be teeting?  By the way she she 7 months old on Friday.  Also we are going on vacation for 2 weeks and is this going to really screw her up? Have a Great Day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111

James John  Born:  April 21,  2002
Helena Bellmaine Born:  October 5,  2005

Offline Kate A

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Re: She does good then she wakes up twice a night
« Reply #1 on: May 03, 2006, 23:53:30 pm »
It could be teething. my dd is 7 almost 8 months and is cutting her 4th tooth right now.  They get the bottom two teeth first and often appear as white spots before they pop throuh.  Our ped also told us that she will pull on her ear, which she does when she is in pain.

Do you give tylenol? I would try giving a dose before bed to help ease the pain.  If you don't want to give tylenol, try Hyland's teething tablets.  They are natural and seem to work pretty well.

there is a birth club of sept/oct babies on the acitivity board under birth clubs.  They may have alot of answers for you as their lo's are all the same age.  :D  hth
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