Ella is 7 months old, on three solid meals a day though they are pureed meals. I tried mashing some avocado this morning to give to her with breast milk to make it creamier and she gagged and threw up
She is very good with eating her pureed foods (except around teething time), she gobbles them up. I have tried mashed banana (gags but eats it), as well as prunes/pears from a jar that was thicker, gags a lot to point of almost throwing up. Should I be worried that she is not transitioning to lumpier foods better as I know her foods cannot be pureed forever. Is this normal when trying lumpier foods and will she eventually adjust? Here routine is good and I will list it to give an idea how much she is eating at each feeding.
7:30am wake and 6-7 ounces formula
9:00am 1.5 tbsp combined oatmeal and rice cereal, 1/2 jar of veggies and/or fruit, 1-2 ounces formula mixed in cereal
10am-11:40am nap
12pm 5-7 ounces
12:30 give rest of formula (up to 7 ounces total if didn't finish before)
1:00pm 1/2-3/4 jar of veggies
2:30-4:00pm nap
4:00 6-7 ounces formula
5:30 2.5 tbsp rice and oatmeal cereal, 1 jar veggies, 2 ounces formula mixed in cereal
6:30 bath, massage
6:50 6-7 ounces formula
7:00 bed, sleep until 7:30 am no nightwakings