Author Topic: Moving, crawling, turning in bed!  (Read 716 times)

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Moving, crawling, turning in bed!
« on: May 13, 2006, 12:15:09 pm »
My (almost) 11 mo just started crawling about 2 weeks ago and she is JUST beginning to master it.  It is great however, it is completely affecting her sleep AND her mommy and daddy's sleep :)  She goes to bed fine in her crib then after about 3 hours, she will make a little noise as if she is uncomfortable, and I will go in there and she is either on her tummy UNDER the bumper or her head is hitting the side of the bed.  I will change her back to her back but then every few hours she changes her position to her tummy and even to a crawl position, and starts making noise like she is uncomfortable.  Do we just get rid of the bumper to make sure she doesn't suffocate and not go into her room everytime she makes a noise?  What about when she gets to a crawling position?  Do we just let her be and she will fall back asleep eventually herself?  I am not sure if we should go in there everytime she makes a noise because she really isn't crying, but she just gets herself in these weird positions.  I feel so bad.  I am nervous also about removing the bumper because she will DEFINITELY hit her head on the sides of the crib.  But then again, I am also nervous about KEEPING the bumper because she has moved underneath it which freaks me out!  HELP!  We are not sleeping here and we are getting very very tired.  :(

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Re: Moving, crawling, turning in bed!
« Reply #1 on: May 13, 2006, 12:18:36 pm »

Well done to your dd for learning to crawl  ;D

We didn't use a bumper but if it were me I'd remove it now probably.  If she bumps her head it won't be that hard and she'll soon learn!

As for going in when she makes a noise, I'd tend to leave her unless she starts crying and is obviously unhappy.  I do remember having a bit of a time of it when Ciara started to get mobile, but they eventually learn to get themselves settled and moved to where they want to be.

Sure you'll get some better advice about the bumper fom someone who uses one for their lo

Good luck
Mummy to 2 beautiful kiddies. 

A baby is born from the dreams of your heart, and becomes the love of your life.