Author Topic: Need routine help for 11 month old.....  (Read 1296 times)

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Offline Sabine

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Need routine help for 11 month old.....
« on: May 22, 2006, 19:16:31 pm »
My almost 11 month old wakes consistently b/w 5 and 530 am.  Some mornings he sleeps until 6-630 and one morning even 7 but for the most part 5-530 is wakeup time.  I usually give him a bottle and put him awake in his crib and he sleeps for another hour until I get him up for 7am.  He has been struggling to take his afternoon nap too now when he used to take it perfectly.  If he hasn't slept well we aim for bed 7-730 but he fusses sometimes upto an hour before he finally goes to sleep and I don't know what I can do.

Developmentally, he has started to cruise. This is new.  He is also a very active sleeper and is always out of his covers and I can't seem to keep them on no matter what.  He could be cold at night but I have tried getting up at 3 am to cover him again and doesn't make much difference.

If I leave him at 5 the cries escalate over the hour and he can't go back to sleep.  If I go in and try to cover him and he sees me and I leave the room he all out cries.  He does put himself to sleep at night independently and for naps too. 

 He has also recently started fighting the bottle and solids but that's another story.  I have a feeling I need to adjust his schedule but I don't know where to begin or what to change.

Here is his schedule on most days:

5-530 wakeup bottle and back to bed (EBM 5-6oz)
700 breakfast ( 7 Tbsp cereal mix with EBM and 4T fruit with some cheerios)
1000 nap (limiting to 1 hour so he will sleep in the afternoon)
1100 sips water with sippy (learning to use this and few cheerios)
1200 bottle (4-6oz EBM)
100 lunch (6Tbsp--homemade beef stew/chicken pot pie with pasta and cheese) and fruit 2T mix with 2T yoghourt
200 nap (1 hour--limiting)
300-330 snack with sippy
430 supper (same as lunch)
700 bottle (4-5 oz and bed)

Please help.

Sabine :'(

Offline Intransit

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Re: Need routine help for 11 month old.....
« Reply #1 on: May 22, 2006, 19:36:56 pm »
Hi there, I have a Lo who just turned 1 yesterday...and about a month ago I noticed he was waking earlier as well....and posted on here..and decided to move to 1 nap.
We are still working on this.....and there are days where he wants to sleep as much as an hour earlier than he should...which if he is that tired, I won't try to extend it.....but it is something which is definitely a gradual thing.
Our routine right now..
wake 7 am
Eat--cereal, fruit
 8am bottle, less than normal now...about 4 ounces used to be 8

Activity--this now includes a extend the a time...
11 lunch time...he has now begun to fall asleep in his high chair some days....
nap from after lunch for about 2.5-3 hours
I would prefer he sleep more near 12..since he gets tired out by 5-6pm..but if not...I go with it..and maybe move his bed time up or stay in the bath longer etc..
I hope this helps....I found that increasing the A time each morning by 15, 15, 15 etc...helped him to adjust...but it is still a work in progress
Good luck, and keep us posted.
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Offline HeatherC

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Re: Need routine help for 11 month old.....
« Reply #2 on: May 24, 2006, 00:59:23 am »
I sense that he needs more day sleep and is possibly becoming overtired.  I see that even though you are limiting his first nap, his second nap is still only 1 hr.  You could either try letting him sleep longer in the morning and have a catnap in the evening or just rest time in his crib, or combining the 2 naps into one as suggested.  If he can tolerate a longer morning A time, then he might be able to do it.  However, don't necessarily expect him to immediately start taking a long 2.5-3 hr nap, some lo's have to build up to that.  You would compensate with an earlier bedtime.
Otherwise, for the early morning wake up, you could try wake to sleep around 4 am, or PD (not PU since he's probably standing on his own).  With PD, you would be sending the message that you are there for him, but it is not time to get up yet.  Also, could you try moving his dinner to a later hour?  Even with the bedtime bottle, he may be waking from hunger.
Kelsey, Feb. 4, 2005
Landon, Jan. 2, 2007

Offline corrina01

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Re: Need routine help for 11 month old.....
« Reply #3 on: May 24, 2006, 09:12:01 am »
My DD is 11 months

I'll post her routine

6-6.15am Wake
6.45am Bottle
8am Breakfast
9.30-9.45am Nap (limit to 1hr)
10.30 Wake
11am Bottle
12noon Lunch
2pm Nap (as long as she wants but I wake if it is 1hr 30mins, mostly 1hr 15mins)
3.30pm Bottle
5pm Dinner
6.15pm Bath
6.45 Bottle
7.00pm Bed

Sometimes she wakes at 5.45am (I don't get her out of the cot till 6.15am) but I keep the morning nap the same time

Mum to Faith
A very spirited toddler with a touch of angel