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Offline Finns mum

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1 step forward & 2 steps back!
« on: May 22, 2006, 21:31:28 pm »
Is it just me with this problem or does everyone feel like they're fighting a losing battle when they start EASY?! I've been doing the EASY routine for 4 weeks now with my 7 week old. At first I tried the 4 hour EASY, as he only ever demanded feeding 4-hourly, but that didn't work too well, and so I took people's suggestions of trying 3-hourly as he was getting overtired. It certainly seemed to suit him better, but I was still finding it hard to put him down to bed in the evening. Then slowly things started to get better and last week I was even about to post what a success it had all been! He was sleeping through til I woke him for a feed, and when it came to putting him down for a nap/bed, I'd leave him in the cot contented but awake and he would put himself to sleep. Bliss! Then he started becoming difficult to put down again, and then he started waking during his afternoon nap. Today, he woke during every nap after 30 mins - 1 hour, and I only managed to settle him back down once. Our routine (when it works!) looks like this:
7.30: E
8.00: A
9.00: S
10.30: E
11.00: A
12.00: S
1.30: E
2.00: A
3.00: S
4.30: E
5.00: A
6.00: Bath, wind-down
6.30: E
7.00: S
10-11.00: DF
4-5.00: E
I've discovered that any disruption to his afternoon (3.00) nap leaves him overtired and difficult (usually impossible) to put down to bed. He usually then ends up awake until his DF if not even later. But the last couple of days, he's woken in the middle of that nap and hasn't settled with or without my help - and has then been awake all evening. I've tried putting him down for a catnap after his 4.30 feed but I've never yet managed it, and have had to stop trying to get him to sleep before it eats into his bedtime. I've never rocked him to sleep, I use a dummy but he's not dependent on it, I swaddle him,  I use shush-pat when he's really unsettled, but it's only worked a couple of times. I'm really confused because sometimes he can go to sleep independently and I know he can get through the transition stage in a nap without my help, so I'm not sure why sometimes he can't. Despite my keeping everything consistent, his sleep pattern seems to change from day to day - just when I think I'm getting a handle on things, everything changes again! I'm finding it so stressful, as just when I think it's working, it all seems to fall apart again, and I just don't know what to do to make it better. Are these just glitches he needs to go through or is there anything I can do to make things better? I'm not expecting miracles but a little consistency would at least let me know what I'm dealing with!!!

Offline corrina01

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Re: 1 step forward & 2 steps back!
« Reply #1 on: May 23, 2006, 09:17:05 am »
Is he okay during the A times?

You have a good routine there.

Quote (selected)
he's woken in the middle of that nap and hasn't settled with or without my help - and has then been awake all evening

I would say that he was overtired. If he has waken during the middle of the afternoon nap and you can't resettle him, put him to bed earlier say like 6.30pm.

Mum to Faith
A very spirited toddler with a touch of angel

Offline Finns mum

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Re: 1 step forward & 2 steps back!
« Reply #2 on: May 23, 2006, 11:36:47 am »
He's pretty good during A time, very smiley and alert. He usually begins to get tired around an hour to an hour and a half after waking so this is when I put him down.

I've tried to put him down for a catnap after his 4.30 feed but it's never worked, but maybe I should try and move the whole bedtime forward in the event that he wakes during his afternoon nap, because he definitely does get overtired. Only difficulty with earlier bed time is dad doesn't get home til 6 and I need his help to bath him. Do you think I should just forego the bath on those occasions, or is that likely to make settling him down for the night more difficult?

Do you think I should try waking to sleep on his short nap times, or just wait and see if it's just a phase, as he used to nap for longer periods with no problems?

And one more question, today I put him down for a nap after he'd been awake for an hour and a half, even though he wasn't showing signs of tiredness yet - it just took me over half an hour to settle him to sleep. Should I be putting him down when he still seems awake to make sure he gets his nap time, or should I wait til he starts to get tired, even if it means he gets a shorter nap?

Thanks for the help!

Offline corrina01

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Re: 1 step forward & 2 steps back!
« Reply #3 on: May 23, 2006, 13:20:57 pm »
In my opinion just put him down for a nap when he is tired.

Quote (selected)
Only difficulty with earlier bed time is dad doesn't get home til 6 and I need his help to bath him.

You could always invest in a bath support, that leaves you with two hands free, it worked with my DD, she loved it, she has now only stopped using it because it was becoming to small for her. You can get it at Mothercare.

Or you could always forego the bath when he doesn't nap as well.  It is about trial and error.

2-4 months are a difficult stage for naps as they are more aware of the surroundings.

On using the wake to sleep, you won't know if he will have a short nap.  If one particular nap he is waking up consistently, I would use wake to sleep.


Mum to Faith
A very spirited toddler with a touch of angel